Chapter Thirty Three

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Chester and Mike stayed wrapped in each other's arms for what only felt like just a few minutes, but was actually a full hour. Mike kept trying to think of ways to make up for lost time spent together, but knew he couldn't do much with Steve in the picture. He'd have to find a way to get rid of him in order to get his and Chester's happily ever after. He felt they deserved it, but so did Chester. He knew he had the determination to overcome their past and present. They absolutely had to or else things would never be normal between them.

"I lo-" Mike was about to tell Chester how much he loved him again, but the two heard the front door downstairs open and their friends greeting Steve. The two stiffened and Chester broke away from Mike. "I'll go to my room, okay, Chaz? Don't worry. He won't catch us."

"Okay. I'm sorry again, Mike. I wish things were different," Chester frowned, tears threatening to downpour. He didn't want Mike to leave. He was scared of Steve and didn't know what he'd do to him. He just wanted to forget and move on from this chapter in his life.

"It's okay, Chester. We'll find a way out of this, I promise. I love you," Mike reminded him and Chester offered a smile, but it quickly faded. 

"I love you too," Chester looked down to the floor, not wanting to watch Mike leave. When he heard his footsteps get further away from him, he laid down in the bed, covering himself with the blanket. He quietly wept, not wanting to be hurt anymore.

He's been through too much pain and he didn't know what to do with himself. He's lived one of the worst lives, from being abused by his dad, the death of his mother, his monster of an uncle, the bullies at school, and now this. He never felt normal, but his current situation put him further away from others. He's lived through too many tragedies, but he lived through it. He had many attempts under his belt to put an end to it all, but he was starting to become thankful he never succeeded. He met Mike and that was all he needed to be happy. Mike is his everything, he's more than grateful it's back to being so.


Mike trudged down the stairs, unsure if he could actually pull through with leaving Chester in Steve's hands. He felt overprotective of him and was suddenly brought back to the beginning of when Scott grabbed Chester. He was powerless, but this time it was worse. It was happening right under his nose and he still couldn't do anything about it without betraying Chester. He couldn't hurt him again, it would tear both of them apart. 

His eyes met Steve's as he came down the stairs. He wanted to scowl at him, but put on a face of emotionless and walked passed him. He was about to head into another room, when an arm snaked around his and yanked him around the corner, sending him into a different room that belonged to Phoenix. He was struck with a fist upon his face and was about to shout in pain, when a hand covered his mouth. He was pushed up against the wall and finally saw who had grabbed and started attacking him.

"I swear to God, if you are using Chester, I will not hesitate to bash your face in," Brad snarled, Phoenix nearby. Mike was shocked that his friends were threatening him - especially Brad. 

"Using... Guys, I love him-" He tried, but Brad's fist connected with the wall right beside his head. He glared between the two of them.

"Shut up, Mike. You weren't saying that yesterday!" Phoenix pitched in, finally speaking up. "You think we couldn't hear you shouting at Chester through the phone? Then we come up and find you two getting cozy again? It's a little suspicious, Mike, and you came downstairs looking like you could care less about Chester."

"You guys saw us? Shit! Did the others see?" Mike asked quickly, his thoughts bouncing between Steve and Chester. The pair slowly nodded and Mike used everything he had in him to push Brad away and charge towards the door. Phoenix tried to stop him, but he was shoved aside effortlessly. 

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