Chapter Twenty Nine

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Mike had heard everything Chester's dad said and he felt guilty. He saw Chester come down the stairs, looking terrified, and then yelling on the other side of the phone. He didn't know if he felt bad for Chester or what but he felt something towards him that he hadn't since Steve convinced him it was better not to love him. 

He suddenly felt awful about everything. He shouldn't have broken up with Chester but he didn't feel what he once did. He wanted to love him but he felt he couldn't. He didn't know what to do or how to act. He decided he'd resort to the person he did before everything went down. He just hoped his friend wasn't too angry at him about Chester to help him but he'd probably listen once he realized Mike's intentions.

Mike headed to Brad's room and knocked on the door. He entered and saw him and Phoenix, looking as though they were having a serious conversation or discussion. He assumed it was about Chester, as he had the most going on at the moment.  

"What?" They both snapped at the same time. Mike sighed, knowing this wouldn't be easy.

"Brad, can we talk alone for a moment?" He asked in a soft voice, it was almost as soft as Chester's in that moment. Brad could tell he was going through many different emotions and didn't know what to do with them.

"Okay, fine. Phoenix, do you mind?"

"No, I wanted to check on Chester anyway," He glared at Mike coldly before leaving the room. Mike shut the door behind him and sat on Brad's bed. 

"Look, I don't expect you to understand, I'm not asking you to. I just want you to listen. Please? That's all I'm asking," Mike began, not entirely sure what he wanted to say, just needed to pour out what's been going on. He needed someone else to explain to him why he doesn't love Chester like he used to. He felt like he was put under a spell that just made him fall out of love with the boy. 

"I'm listening," Brad sat down in a computer chair, wheeling a bit closer to Mike. He was nervously turning it side to side slightly, afraid he might freak out on Mike.

"I don't know what's wrong with me. I used to love Chester so much, I just wanted to help him. I loved him too much, that was the problem. He became my everything and it was easy to hurt me, he was my weakness. Steve convinced me to push him away because my love was hurting Chester. Scott was using him against me."

"Mike... Maybe you and Chaz need to talk about what he went through when he was with Scott. He seems like he really needs you right now and you're off doing other shit, hurting him. Yeah, he's your weakness, but so is everyone who is loved deeply. Do you never want to love again?"

"No, but-"

"Exactly. No, you don't want to never find love. There will always be people you love or care about, they are all your weaknesses. Your friends, your family... Your boyfriend. They are all your weaknesses, Ches and you were just on a different, more intense level. What if I was in Chester's place?" 

"I don't know-"

"Yes, yes you do know, Mike. If I was the one Scott took, you'd be just as freaked out and hurt. Same thing if it was Phoenix, Rob, Joe... Anyone else that you love," Brad stopped trying to prove his point, as it was finally reaching Mike. A few moments of silence followed.

"You're right, Brad."

"Of course I am," He smirked.

"I'll go talk to him."

"Keep it PG 13."


"Ches... What's going on?" Phoenix asked, the smaller boy cuddled up in his arms. Chester was really needing a hug. He always was, but especially in that moment. He was terrified. He would'v preferred one from Mike, but Phoenix was comfortable and warm. He trusted his ginger-haired friend.

Phoenix had left Brad's room and went looking for Chester, forgetting he was moved into Steve's room. He walked passed and heard muffled sobs echoing off the walls. He pushed the door open and Chester glanced up. He was hugging a pillow, his eyes bloodshot. Phoenix immediately went to his side, pulling the small boy into his lap and holding him closely.

"I'm j-just s-so s-scared, Ph-Phi," He hiccuped, tucking his face between Phoenix's head and shoulder. He cuddled closer too him, he was craving the affection. He was hurting so much.

"Why, Ches? What happened?"

"Well," Chester sniffled, trying to calm down. He kept himself from sobbing as he tried to explain what was going on. "My dad called me. Steve's getting custody of me and... just... I can't explain."

"You can try," He encouraged, but Chester shook his head.

"I can't, Phi. It's complicated. I'm just so sad, I feel so alone. I lost everyone," Chester croaked softly, pulling away from his friend, who caught his chin and looked him deeply in the eye.

"You have me, Chester. Me, Brad, Toby, Rob, Joe... We're here for you. We won't let you get hurt, I promise."

"You can't stop it. You don't know."

"Enlighten me then, Chaz."

"I can't," Chester broke into more wrecked sobs, clutching onto Phoenix as though he was a lifeline, pulling him in for a death-gripping hug. "I-I'm s-sorry."

"You have nothing to be sorry for," Phoenix tried to comfort him, holding him tightly.

Phoenix was deeply worried for his friend, his life was hard enough as it is. He didn't deserve all the pain that was getting thrown at him. He wished he could help, but Chester wasn't opening up to him or anyone. Phoenix was sure he would talk to Mike, but he had a stick shoved so far up his ass that he's acting as though he doesn't have a soul. Phoenix just wishes that Mike would finally pull that stick out and hug Chester, get the boy to open up. He was going down a dark path that Phoenix was trying so hard to keep him from, but he couldn't. Chester is falling and Mike needs to catch him.


Author's Note:

Ufft, I am so sorry for not updating in such a long time. Another chapter of Missed Call will hopefully be out soon, as that story is nearly completed. This one doesn't have too much left either, we're probably almost 3/4 of the way done. I hope you're enjoying the story!

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