Chapter Twenty Six

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"NO!" Chester cried and backed into Ryan, grabbing his arm tightly and squeezing. He looked Ryan in the eyes and begged, "Please don't let him hurt me, please!"

"Chester-" Ryan started but Scott interrupted him. 

"Don't speak to him!" Scott snapped and Chester sank to the floor, screaming in agony at the sight of his uncle. 

"WHY WOULD YOU BRING HIM HERE?!" Chester yelled as loudly as he could at Scott. "You know what he's done!"

"I do," Scott agreed and looked to Grim, Chester's uncle. "You and Chester will get some quality time tonight. Do you mind if I oversee it?"

"Not at all, Mr. Weiland." Grim smiled and Scott chuckled.

"No need for that,  just call me Scott." He insisted and Grim nodded.

"Will do. Who is your little friend, Chazzy?" He grinned and Chester couldn't stop the tears. He hid his face in Ryan's arm. 

"I'm Ryan, his band member. Who do you think you are? You can't just come here and scare Chester like this."

"Do you know what I... we did together?" Grim asked with a hum. Chester cried and glared at him.

"WE?! I never wanted it! Never! You fucking- I hate you!" Chester screamed at him, getting lost in all the emotions pouring out of him at once. He felt it horrible to be torn away from Mike just to be tortured by his past. He didn't realize how rough he truly did have it until being confronted with it once again. He made a mistake meeting Scott and now he was being ultimately punished for it in the worst imaginable way.

"Shut, Chester, or else I will have your father over too." Scott threatened and Chester gasped, incredibly terrified, and stopped reacting all together.

"Scott... What's wrong with you? Slash said you weren't like this... That you'd never do anything to hurt your taken kids." Ryan said slowly and Scott gave him a smile that sent chills down his spine.

"Slash doesn't know me like Chester here knows me. Tell him everything, Chester." Scott said softly and Chester looked down and gulped.

"He took this boy named Mike and they eventually made their way to Arizona. Scott wanted him to trick me and lure me to him but Mike refused, as we began a friendship. We each began feeling more towards each other and finally broke free from Scott but he was once my idol and contacted me. I thought he wasn't so horrible, he couldn't have been. He was my idol. But he truly was and... and he took me. He beat Mike and he beats me. He's trying to get back at him for falling in love with me."

"But he doesn't love you, does he?" Scott interfered and Chester shuddered at the thought. Mike was the only person, other than Toby, who ever showed they actually cared for Chester, the thought of him no longer loving him would be enough to kill him. He couldn't handle feeling so unloved by the person he loved most. "He hasn't even searched for you. Ryu and Tak would have contacted him by now, surely he'd know where you are."

"...Maybe?" Chester played with the thought in his head. He'd let it overbear him, he couldn't help it. He was undoubtedly paranoid. "Maybe... maybe he doesn't..."

"Chaz, don't say that. He has to love you. He'd be crazy not to." Ryan tried to help but it did nothing for Chester. He was starting to spiral downwards into a pit he hated, one he'd remembered from his past, where all he felt like doing was dying or hurting himself. Just the thought was enough to demolish Chester's state of mind.


A knock at the door tore Mike away from his nap. It was the best sleep he's gotten since Chester disappeared. Although he knew it wasn't true, he told himself he slept better than he has since he and Chester started sharing a room. He decided he'd think Chester was the problem.

He rose off the couch and opened the door, seeing Ryu and Tak. Without a word, he let them in. He didn't know if they knew anything about Chester but he could see curiosity glint in their eyes. He led them to the kitchen, where they sat at the table in silence until Ryu spoke up.

"Can we ask what happened since the last time we saw you?"

"You can but it won't be honest." Mike openly admitted and the two shared a glance. 

"Just give us some kind of explanation." Tak insisted and Mike nodded, finding that fair.

"Scott was sick of me as a son after he found someone else who needed a dad and had some talent so I was dropped." He said and the two nodded fiercely. 

"That makes sense." Ryu noted and Mike gawked at them, wondering how so. They didn't know anything. 


"Well we went to Scott's and you weren't there but some other boy was. He had blonde hair, pretty pale, brown eyes, real skinny." Tak explained and Mike had to stop himself from getting the slightest bit emotional over Chester. He'd have to push that away if he wanted to save him.

"Yup. That's the new kid." Mike said and Mr. Aoki came downstairs. He had overheard everything.

"So you boys know where Scott lives. Correct?"

"Uhh... yeah." Ryu answered, unsure how to greet this new stranger. 

"Could you possibly show us? Mike doesn't seem to remember and is incredibly concerned for this other boy. He was abused under Scott's care and would like to help the boy if he's being treated the same way.

"He did?! Oh, man, we're so-"

"Please don't mention it." Mike requested and the two vigorously nodded. 

"Well it does look like he was being hurt. That kid looked scared and Scott's not very nice... But yeah, we can show you." Ryu confirmed and Mr. Aoki smiled.

"Do you mind if it's just me you show? Mike shouldn't be pressed with everything all at once." 

"Sure," They agreed and set a date for the next day to meet up and go to Scott's to rescue Chester.


Dear Scott,

Ryu and Tak stopped by, just like you said they would. They claimed they'd tell us where you're located and I managed to persuade everyone into having just me go. I expect my reward to be paid in full when I arrive tomorrow night. I appreciate you allowing me to go about things this way, it's incredibly thoughtful.

I also wanted to say I am sorry for always slamming my door on your face throughout our passed couple years. I'm aware of our differences but we'll do what we can to help each other out. It's hard without a job around here in California, so I thank you for the kind gestures you've made towards me since I arrived in state. 

Mike is starting to stop caring about Chester, like you had asked me to do. I showed him the pictures you sent involving Chester's uncle and he couldn't care less. I'm hoping things will remain this way when you release Chester the day after tomorrow. It'll make things on my behalf much simpler. And as we dealt, you will always have access to the boy and I'm certain he'll stay silent. 

I hope things are going well,

-Steve Aoki

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