Chapter Thirty Five

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"Chester, don't be afraid," A soft voice said and let Chester go. "I'm sorry I grabbed you like that, I just didn't want you to yell out, okay? Do you remember me?"

Chester turned around, fear spreading across his face until he looked at the person. He was looking into familiar brown eyes and tan skin. Long, dark hair flowed down her head and he searched her eyes for sincerity that this was who he thought it was. 

"Talinda? Talinda Bentley?" 

"Hi, Chester. Are you alright? I was just coming down the alley when I saw you hide and a man come down. I heard you on the phone with Mike, I remember him from school," She recalled and gave him a soft smile. "I figured you'd scream because of whoever you were running from so I- oh, my, what happened to your arm?"


"We have to get you to a hospital! Come on, my car's just around the corner," She helped him rise and lead him down the alley and around it's corner. There was a library and a parking lot - to which Talinda took him through. They came across a black car and she opened the passenger's side, letting him climb in. She helped him buckle and closed the door, getting into the driver's seat and starting the car. "I was going to call a friend, that's why I was down the alley. Don't be afraid, okay?"

"Okay," Chester sighed, figuring she could see the fear that was still written across his face. As they drove onto a highway, the silence was overbearing the small car.

"So, are you and Mike a thing? I heard you say you loved him."

"Yeah," Chester replied truthfully, the reminder of seeing Mike in a calm situation soon putting the pain in his arm at ease. "It's funny, I thought I'd never see you again. I actually used to have a small crush on you."

"Oh?" Talinda chuckled, beginning to blush. "I'm glad I found you tonight. I actually thought I'd never see you again either after you just disappeared one day. Mr. Aoki did too at the same time, it was the strangest thing."

"That was actually who was chasing me down the alley," Chester admitted softly. She turned her head sharply towards him, taken aback, before turning her attention back to the road. "I'm surprised you noticed I was gone. We never talked before today."

"Mr. Aoki..." She said numbly. Calling Steve by his last name so properly sounded incredibly bizarre to Chester at this point, that sometimes he forgot that they were the same person. "I did notice, Chester. I noticed right away... I actually - um - I liked you too. You were so different from everyone else, so quiet and shy. I knew you were destined for great things."

"What brings you here anyway?" Chester quickly changed the subject, completely baffled by this new knowledge. He was unsure how he would react if she made a move on him. He was scared that this would be the only person that would ever manage to get Chester to cheat on Mike - considering he had been practically in love with her before leaving Arizona. 

"I'm apart of a modeling agency in L.A," She smiled, proud of her new career. Chester was impressed, but not surprised. He always admired her beauty and often thought she would be destined for this. "What do you do these days, Chester?"

"I... I suppose I make music," He answered, surprised that she was going along with this conversation and not asking about Steve.

"Okay, Chester. I'm trying really hard not to ask all the questions that are killing me inside, but you have to give me something."

"It's a long story," He sighed, running a hand through his hair.

"Well, it's a long ride to the hospital," She lied, knowing it was just fifteen minutes away. Chester smiled, knowing the truth - he had saw a sign that mentioned a hospital about a mile back.

"You might not believe me," He warned, seeing her shrug in the darkness of the night road. 

"Try me," She countered and Chester had to admit that he respected and loved how straight forward she was and braced himself to begin his story.


Mike was called and told which hospital Chester was staying at and that he had been admitted. He told the others he would be alright and would prefer going alone, persuading them all to stay behind. It was difficult keeping his friends at bay, but he eventually won and promised that the next time they saw him, they'd see Chester as well.

He was walking down the hall and to Chester's room, when he saw a familiar figure with him. He scrunched his eyes as he realized who it was, but couldn't care. He saw Chester hooked up to an IV and arm in a cast. He ran over and quickly hugged him.

"How are you feeling, Chaz?"

"Okay. Do you remember Talinda? She went to our school back in Arizona. She found me in the alley and drove me to the hospital," Chester explained and Mike nodded. 

"Yes, I remember," Mike smiled at her, though he was fuming inside. He remembered the long stares at one another and was already feeling threatened with her in the room. 

"It's good to see you again, Mike. Everyone was so confused when you, that janitor, Brad, Chester, and Mr. Aoki disappeared. Gerard and Frank felt so guilty, they thought it was their fault Chester went missing. I'd say it was justice," She grinned and Mike had to admit that he liked the sound of that. 

"What did Chester tell you about what happened? I'm assuming you asked?"

"The truth, Mike. I told her the truth," Chester said, searching Mike's eyes for some kind of feeling towards this. Mike turned to Talinda.

"Can you leave us alone to talk for a moment?" He asked kindly, but Chester could tell behind his eyes was a different story. 

"Sure," She smiled and waved a little at Chester. She left the room and Mike sat in the chair next to Chester's bed, where Talinda was previously sitting.

"Why did you tell her?" He immediately snapped and Chester flinched. His eyes instantly starting watering up at the fact that Mike was angry at him again

"Don't be mad, Mike. I didn't know you didn't want me to tell anyone," Chester looked down and Mike lifted his chin so he was looking in his eyes. 

"I'm not angry, Chester. I mean... I am, but not at you. It's okay, just don't go around telling people everything, okay?" 

"Alright," Chester gave him a quick smile that faded in a second. He felt he screwed up and cursed himself, but he wouldn't let Mike down again. He couldn't. 

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