Chapter Twenty One

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Chester gripped onto the bars immediately after waking up. Scott had swiftly knocked him out just before taking him. Chester didn't even get the chance to blink. He looked around and spotted a dirty baseball hat in the corner of the cage, it looked like the kind Mike would wear. He bent and picked it up, inspecting it.

"That cage was Mike's home for such a long time." Scott's voice said as he came down into the basement. Chester stiffened as he realized it really was Mike's hat. Chester saw a flash of light which disrupted his vision. After it cleared, he saw Scott was taking pictures of him. "And now it's yours."

"Fuck you." Chester sneered and Scott couldn't help but laugh at Chester's rebellious attitude.

"Smile for Mikey!" Scott taunted him and took another picture. "Your new band members will be here soon with their owners."

"Owners?" Chester echoed and Scott nodded.

"Just like how I'm your owner." He explained and Chester felt like his heart stopped. He couldn't take this, he couldn't believe how twisted the world really is. "Actually only of your next band members will have an owner, the other guys are just there."

"Why?" Chester had to ask and Scott smiled at him.

"Not all artists are being forced but it just so happens one of yours will be just like you." He said and Chester sat on the ground of his cage. It was happening so fast. Just yesterday he was with Mike, Toby, and all his friends. His sister was marrying one of his best friends and today, he's stuck in a cage with a man he used to call his hero.

"I'm so stupid." Chester muttered to himself and Scott opened the cage door, snagging one of Chester's wrists in his hand.

"Yes." Scott laughed. "But if you weren't, I wouldn't have gotten you. I've waited so long to get my hands on that voice of yours."

"If there's a hell, that's where you're going." Chester sneered and Scott just chuckled and led him upstairs.

"Good. That cage already got you dirty so shower up and put the clothes that are in there on." Scott directed and shoved the smaller figure into the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind him.


Mike didn't sleep a wink last night. He couldn't without knowing if Chester was alright. He pictured him in the cage Mike was all too familiar with, getting hit every time he tried to speak. It was torture not knowing where exactly he was or what he was doing. He finally understood how Brad, Phoenix, Joe, Rob, and his family felt when he went missing except this time, Mike knew what was happening to Chester.

He broke down into tears again, hating the thought of him being hurt. Chester was free from everything for just one month, Mike didn't understand why Chester couldn't have been fine for longer. Why did the world want to lash out at him? Chester didn't deserve this much pain.

"Mike, Mr. Aoki is here!" Brad called and Mike rushed downstairs, clearing his tears.

"Please, just call me Steve." The former teacher smiled and Mike felt he had to hug him. Steve gripped back and chuckled. "It's nice to see you too."

"Thank you so much for helping us find Chester." Mike said and Steve just smiled politely again.

"No offense but how are you supposed to help? Do you know where Scott lives?" Phoenix asked. He hadn't said much since Chester disappeared.

"I know Scott better than any of you do, that's a start. Plus I probably know Scott's friends who could help us find him. I can ask around, send some emails, also send one to Scott. I have more of a connection than you guys do. I don't know where his home is but it shouldn't take much to find considering he does his work at home. Right, Mike? He still does that?"

"Yes." Mike replied softly. He felt so broken without Chester. He thought back on the first time they truly kissed at the park, under the stars. He remembered how much he didn't want that kiss to stop, he wanted to push forward, he wanted more.

A knock at the door pushed him from his memories but it didn't stop the tears slowly falling down his face. He sat down on the stairs and watched Brad answer the door. Immediately Muto, Donna, and Jay Shinoda entered the home and went straight for Mike, wrapping him in a death hug.

"Mom? Dad? What are you doing here?" Mike sniffled and his family moved away so Donna could whip the tears out of her son's eyes.

"Brad messaged Jay saying you were upset about something and we decided we needed to come with to see if you were okay." She explained softly and hugged him. Mike looked to his dad from behind Donna's shoulder.

"Where's your boyfriend?" He asked and Mike broke down into tears.

"He broke up with you, didn't he?" Donna rocked her son back and forth but Mike just kept sobbing.

"No..." Mike sniffled again and his mother rubbed circles around his back.

"The guy who kidnapped Mike got Chester." Brad explained and Donna stopped rubbing Mike's back. She didn't know how to feel.

"We need to go to the police." Muto finally spoke up after moments of silence.

"We can't..." Phoenix said, trailing off.

"Why not?" Donna asked, pulling away and looking into Mike's bloodshot eyes. He tried to catch his breath from crying.

"It's too complicated to explain right now." He sniffed and his body shuddered. Joe had gone upstairs but came back quickly and handed Mike one of Chester's small shirts, which Mike immediately devoured in his arms and hugged tightly, crying more yet feeling slightly comforting having something of Chester's with him.

"We'll do whatever we can." Donna told Mike, kissing his head softly. He looked up at her.

"I thought you didn't like him."

"I didn't say that, Mike. I thought he would remind you of what you just escaped from. I didn't want him bringing bad memories." Donna explained carefully and Mike nodded, understandingly.

"I'm sorry I yelled at you the other day." Mike sighed.

"It's okay, sweetie. We love you."

"I love you guys too."

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