Chapter Eight

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Chester had ended up going home after singing to Mike and his dad thankfully wasn't home. For him, it seemed like the perfect day. For Mike, it was the worst ending possible.

He'd have to give Scott the recorder and get the 'for sure' to taking the boy. Chester could definitely sing, Scott would want him without a doubt. Mike was scared. Him and Chester just became a thing and Mike truly cared about Chester. He wished he hadn't. No matter what Scott was going to get Chester, with or without Mike. Mike wanted no part in it but he desperately wanted to go home. He'd have to put aside his feelings for Chester.

Scott hadn't asked for the recorder when Mike came back, instead he just told the boy to go to sleep. Mike dreaded the next day. He knew he wouldn't be able to control his feelings for Chester and he didn't wish to fight them. Apart of him wanted to exploit his feelings for Chester while he still can, another wanted to push the boy away to resist his own temptations. He couldn't do that to Chester though.

Mike knew Chester needed someone to love him. That boy was hurting more than anyone Mike's ever met and Chester just needed someone to hold him and tell him he matters. Chester couldn't fight this alone and Mike couldn't let him. He had to help the other boy before handing him over to Scott.


Chester came into art earlier than usual that day. He was in a hurry to see Mike again and in his excitement, he left way sooner. He sat down in his assigned seat and scowled to himself. He was mad that Mr. Aoki seemed to have changed their seating chart purely just to separate the two boys for no particular reason that he could think of. He was placed right in the front, in the middle of two kids who commonly picked on him; Frank and Gerard. They normally left him alone during class but this was far too easy for them not to turn down the opportunity to hurt the smaller boy.

Mike was placed in the back of the classroom, at the very last seat. He only sat by one person, some girl named Anna. Chester didn't like nor dislike that girl but he heard some crude things about her. He heard she was up for basically any sexual act and most of the boys in the school took her up on that rumor. Nobody had ever denied it or accepted it, not even Anna.

Anna was friends with this girl Chester had been crushing on for the longest time. He didn't care about her now that he has Mike but he knew he wouldn't be able to help but admire Talinda from a far. She seemed to be the complete opposite of Anna and that's why Chester liked her so much but he knew he'd never have a chance so he never did anything about it, not like he would've anyway considering his shy demeanor.

"Hey, Chazzy." A dark smooth voice said behind the smaller boy. Chester instantly grinned, breaking away from his thought, and turned to see Mike, who instantly kissed Chester when he saw his lips. "What're you doing so early?"

"I always come early."

"Not this early." Mike disagreed and Chester couldn't help but smile at Mike and roll his eyes.

"Why are you here so early?" Chester countered with and Mike smirked, leaning in from the seat beside him to kiss Chester again.

"So I could do a lot more of this." Mike said when he pulled away. "You didn't get in trouble yesterday, did you?"

"No, my dad wasn't home." Chester sighed but his heart did a backflip when Mike sounded concerned for him.

"Thank God." Mike breathed out and grabbed Chester's hand. He pulled him out of the chair and the pair walked out of the classroom. "No point in staying in there. Mr. Aoki could walk in at any second."

"Where are we going to go?" Chester asked, Mike's hand still firmly grasping his as they walked down the empty school halls.

"Anywhere we want." Mike grinned and Chester giggled. "Where do you want to go?"

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