Chapter Twenty Eight

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"Come on now," Steve pushed the small boy into his room. Chester was trembling as Steve shoved a bag full of Chester's stuff in his arms. "Unpack. Mike doesn't want you in his room."

Chester just nodded, not saying a word. He didn't want any trouble and was afraid to step out of line. He just wanted to hug Mike but he was afraid Mike didn't love him anymore. He remembered how he hadn't even gone to him when Chester got home. He wondered if his boyfriend was mad at him or if he was shown pictures of Ryan and him and if he thought he had cheated on Mike. He hoped that wasn't the case.

He still couldn't figure out the deal with Scott, why he suddenly up and left. He felt so clueless and helpless, more than confused. He didn't even know where his uncle was. Everything felt like a mystery.

Not only that but he felt lonely. He knew Steve would hurt him if he spoke to anyone. He couldn't even talk to Toby. Mike wasn't there to help him pick up the pieces or dig for the truth. His friends were suspicious but not enough. They knew something was wrong, Chester just wished they did more about it.

With a heavy sigh, he began to unpack.


"Chester moved into Steve's room," Brad said, stepping into Mike's room. Mike was sitting up in his bed, laptop open in his lap. He just nodded, driving a tinge of anger into Brad. "That doesn't seem weird to you?"

"Whatever he wants to do," Mike replied shortly and Brad couldn't believe it. Mike was so in love with the boy and now seemed completely brainwashed.

"Who? Steve or Chester? Because I'm sure as hell Chester would rather be in here with you," He snapped and waited for Mike to reply. When he didn't, he continued. "Steve said he was moving Chester in his room to ease him back into the house. Wouldn't you think he'd be more comfortable in here?"

"Brad, stop. It's over between Chester and I."

"Does he know?"

"He can take a hint," Mike sneered. At this point, he couldn't remember why he stopped loving Chester like he had, completely forgetting Steve had convinced him it was for the better. 

"You're being such an asshole! Why don't you love him?" Brad shouted and Mike slapped his laptop shut, shoving it to the side and rising, standing in front of Brad. 

"You don't know what it's fucking like, Brad, so stop. He's always getting into trouble, getting hurt in anyway possible, getting involved with all the wrong people, and acting as if no one gives a damn about him. So fuck it, I'm done. I give up on him," Mike snapped, before noticing Chester was crossing through the hall and had stopped when he heard Mike yelling. He heard everything Mike said. "And he's always here at the wrong time."

"Chester!" Brad turned and chased after him, who had went down the stairs and into the living room. He didn't even know where to go to cry. He couldn't go to Steve's room or Mike's room. He took a turn and went into the bathroom, closing and locking the door before Brad could catch up to him completely. He knocked on the door immediately. "Chester! Ches! Open up. Please? I'm so sorry."

"What's going on?" Phoenix asked, approaching Brad. He heard the argument between him and Mike and found Brad banging on the bathroom door for Chester. 

"Mike broke up with Chester," Was the quickest response Brad could come up with. 

"WHAT?! Why?!" Phoenix snapped, ready to yell at Mike.

"I-I don't... He just said he gave up on him," Brad sighed. "Steve moved Chester into his room anyway."

"What? Are you kidding me? What is going on?!" Phoenix groaned in frustration. He felt so protective over Chester and not knowing what happened to him was killing him. "We need to find out what the hell happened when Steve got him."

"Yeah," Brad agreed. "But we can't just leave Chester in the bathroom. He's hurting."

"Ches..." Phoenix said, softly knocking on the door. It immediately opened and Chester stepped out, instantly being surrounded by four arms as both the boys tried to hug him at the same time. They laughed and stepped back for a second. Chester gave the smallest of smiles, brushing away his tears. 

"Are you okay?" Brad asked and Chester nodded, not wanting to explain or talk.

"You sure?" Phoenix added and he nodded again. "Well... do you want us to stay with you?"

"No. I just want to sleep for a while," He said softly, hoping they'd get off his back.

"Okay... We're here if you need us," Brad reminded him and Chester nodded, heading upstairs. He nearly went into Mike's room before remembering and quickly cowered to Steve's room. He hated this. He entered his new room and saw Steve was putting his shoes on.

"Ah, Chester, I got you something. Here," He tossed Chester a phone, which he caught smoothly. "I'll call you when I need to so keep it near. I have places to go."

"Okay," Chester said and Steve rose, passing him, only to stop and hover by his ear.

"If you tell anyone about what happened, it'll be much worse than it was and Mike won't be around to save you."

With that, he left. Chester was trembling and jumped when his phone started ringing. None of the numbers had caller ID yet so he hesitantly answered, in case Steve had already tried calling, just to test him.

"Hello?" He said softly.

"Where the fuck are you, boy?!" An angry voice snapped, which Chester immediately recognized as his father. He walked out of the room, heading downstairs in hopes that someone would be there to comfort him, knowing this wouldn't end well, but the only person in the living room was Mike, who paid no attention to him.


"Stop stuttering, boy!" He boomed, making Chester flinch away from the phone.

"Ca-california, s-s-sir," He continued to stutter.

"You're such a piece of work, aren't you?" He yelled and then sighed. "That Steve guy told me I could call you. You're not even eighteen yet. Social services are on my ass about you and if I don't give them a guardian name, I have to come get your ass and make some fucking excuse as to why you're not in school."

"I-I'm sorry-"

"Damn right you are. I'm going to talk to Steve and he's going to get custody of you so you better hope he agrees to keep you!" He snapped again before hanging the phone. Chester shook. He for sure wouldn't get away if Steve had custody of him. What he did to Chester felt much worse than what his father did to him. He'd rather be with his dad.

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