II-Day 1

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I ran my hands through my freshly straightened hair as I unpacked everything—that I had already packed two times before—from my bag laying all of the outfits together in separate little piles as I once again tried to make a mental image of where I would wear each one. When Alycia and I went shopping on Monday, we weren't sure what to buy since the email didn't detail what kinds of things we would be doing—although we ruled out anything that made you sweat. Physical activity didn't really seem like Austin's thing unless he was performing—but we also made sure I bought some outfits incase Austin had to cut the day short, and I wasn't ready to go back to the hotel room just yet.

I packed everything back in my bag outfit by outfit, my face turning red as I let out a laugh and shook my head as I placed the Victoria's Secret nighties that Alycia had insisted I bought into my bag. She could say it all she wanted that she wasn't hoping that I hooked up with Austin on this trip but judging on the things that she had me buy while we were updating my wardrobe—as she referred to it—that was the only thing she wanted to happen on this trip. I'd be lying if I said it wasn't in the back of my mind, but I was much more focused on not looking like a fucking idiot when I first met him instead of making him get a hard on as soon as he laid eyes on me.

I let out a sigh as I grabbed the zipper for my bag and quickly drug it around the edges before walking away so I wouldn't unpack it and repack it for the third time. I walked into my bathroom checking over the counters to make sure I had what I needed for a weekend before taking a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I had on a pair of white shorts with a lilac purple off the shoulder top. The two colors complimented my tan skin perfectly and showed off my chocolate brown hair that cascaded to the middle of my back and made the diamond L on the white gold chain that my parents got me for graduation the focal point of my whole outfit.

I let out a sigh as I let my freshly manicured fingertip flip off the lights before walking back into my room sliding into a pair of white Vans and grabbing my beige YSL crossbody from my desk chair. I wasn't sure how I should dress for when I got there. Once again, the email was rather vague as to when I would be meeting Austin, if I had time to freshen up at the hotel when the plane landed, if he was going to be greeting me with his security at the airport so I wanted to be sure that I at least looked somewhat good in case the first time I met the man of my dreams was when I walked off of a five hour flight with a two hour time difference.

"So you ready?" Alycia asked as she stuck her head through my doorway making me jump as I placed my hand on my rapidly beating heart before looking up at her and swallowing hard.

"Fuck you scared me, even though I should've known it was you. I had a feeling that you would show up right before I needed to walk out that door" I said with a smile as she walked into the room with a shit eating grin on her face—she clearly had made up several times with Elliot and they were back on good terms now—before sitting down next to my beige BEIS luggage and smiled.

"This is really happening for you girl, and I couldn't be more excited that my fucking best friend has the opportunity to meet the man she has been dying to meet since the first time she heard White Iverson play on the fucking radio" she said with a laugh as she shook her head and rested her elbow on my suitcase to support her chin as she looked at me with a content smile.

"Yeah" I said rubbing my clammy palms against my white shorts as I let out a sigh and nodded my head. "Yeah it is" I said sitting on the edge of my desk chair, my hands resting between my knees as I looked down at the floor before looking back towards her.

"Do me a favor" she said with a laugh before pushing herself off the bed as she grabbed my bag and let it fall to the floor with a thud. "Have a few drinks on the plane, they are free in first class. You need to relax yourself" she said as I rolled my eyes but nodded my head. There was no way that I could disagree with her, I felt so anxious and nervous that I was sure the airplane stewardess was going to think it was my first-time fucking flying.

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