VIII-Day 7

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I woke up with a smile on my face as I felt Austin's chest slightly rising and falling against my back, the feel of his warm breaths tickling my neck and the feeling of his arm holding me tightly against him were all mixing together creating an amazing morning, all of this happening even before my eyes had the chance to fully adjust to my surroundings. I still couldn't believe that after six nights staying here—two of which were extremely rocky—that I was already waking up in his bed. I let out an extremely quiet chuckle as I let my eyes fall closed allowing my mind to be fully immersed in last night as I smiled.

Our make out sessions were definitely intense and made me feel like a teenager all over again. He made me feel like I was hands down the most amazing fucking girl to grace this planet. The way he gently and softly moved his lips against mine was so sensual, but the way his tongue asserted dominance against my own as he deepened the kiss was so sexy. Not to mention the way his hands knew exactly where to wander as his body laid heavily on top of mine was mind blowing, it was as if he already knew what I liked without ever doing any of that with me before last night. Not to mention, the way his dick was pressing hard against my heat as he laid between my legs was more than enough to make me wish I didn't have morals.

But I think—no I know—the thing that surprised me the most was how he did exactly what he said he was going to do. I can't lie, I had thought that him telling me he wanted to kiss and cuddle all night was just a way for him to get it in—which okay I wouldn't have been upset at all if that ended up happening—but he honestly just wanted to kiss and cuddle despite what his dick was telling me. I could already tell that he was so much different than Kevin. Kevin was always an asshole and promised one thing just to get another, and to be honest I wasn't even sure if anything intimate that I did with him was real. I felt like it was always under false pretenses and he tricked me in to doing more. Not to mention he never made me feel the way Austin made me feel. Kevin always made me feel like I was expendable. But Austin, he made me feel like I was his world.

I snuggled into him closer, smiling as he let out a small moan before wrapping his arm around me tighter and rested his chin against my shoulder making me giggle. I had only imagined nights like this from conversations that I would have with Alycia as we tried to pinpoint how he was in a relationship and I was never more excited then I was right now that he was everything I thought he was and more. But, now the only problem was we weren't putting a label on this. We were simply riding on a cloud of we both liked what was happening and in five days it was going to have to end and I could already feel the gaping hole starting to form in my heart at the thought.

I let out a quiet sigh at the thought as I laced my fingers together with his as he pressed a sleepy kiss against my neck. I waited for him to say something to me but he never did, he just continued to softly snore as he snuggled in closer to me. I closed my eyes with a smile wishing that I could selfishly pause the world from spinning so I could lay in this moment forever with him, but I also wanted to know what else lay in store for us because Austin was right, whatever was happening was beautiful. I smiled as I started to roll over in his arm, my eyes scanning over every feature of his beautiful face as I reached my hand up to trace the words stay away with the tip of my perfectly manicured finger before dragging them down to the swords and hammer on the side of his face.

I studied him for just a fraction longer before placing my lips over the three small tattoos tattooed under his eyes as he started to chuckle making me pull away from him as I saw him staring at me with one squinted eye open. I felt my face immediately turn red as he reached up to gently rub his thumb over my cheek before pressing a soft kiss to my starving lips, the feel of them resting on mine already starting to suffice my hunger but I knew I would only want more.

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