IV-Day 3

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"Austin" I moaned loudly as his heavy body lay between my legs, his hips rocking against mine as his lips caressed the soft skin of my neck while I dug my fingers deep into his shoulders, the feeling obviously pleasurable to him since his dick started twitching inside me pressing beautifully against my overly stimulated walls as I moaned loudly.

"Fuck Lacey" his raspy voice whispered in my ear sending beautiful chills to run through my overly hot body, my walls clenching just briefly around his rock hard dick as he took in a sharp breath before his teeth gently bit my earlobe. "Can I fuck you harder baby?" he asked through heavy breaths, his nose nudging my cheek before his lips caressed the skin as my eyes clenched closed and I let out a small moan.

"Please Austin, please" I begged as he smiled against my cheek while he moved his lips back towards my ear, his teeth grabbing my lobe as he gently bit it.

"Good girl" his raspy voice whispered seductively in my ear as I moaned, my hips pressing against his as he smirked before pushing himself off my body, his rock hard dick sliding from my entrance as I let out a small cry of protest making him give me a sexy smirk. "Mmm what's wrong baby? You miss my dick?" he asked with a cocky attitude that this time had me drooling as I nodded my head while he stood at the end of the bed between my legs.

"Yes" I said through a whine as he smirked at me, his hand holding the tip of his dick as he taunted me with it by barely grazing it through my wet and needy folds.

"Yes what baby?" he asked with a grin as I moaned.

"Yes I miss your dick baby" I said as he brought his bottom lip between his teeth, his hands grabbing the backs of my legs at the bend in my knees as he pulled me to the end of the bed, his dick easily sliding into my wet entrance making me moan as he seated himself in me completely.

"Fuck Lacey, I'm gonna make you scream my name baby, you feel so good around my dick" he said through strained breaths as he started moving his hips, slow at first before he started pounding in me relentlessly, our skin smacking against each other as he repeatedly buried his dick inside my wet heat making me moan uncontrollably as he watched himself fuck me.

"Austin, fuck Austin! Harder baby please" I begged as he moaned, his dick twitching hard against my walls as he moved faster letting out a small growl that ignited my orgasm to a blazing flame.

"Touch yourself baby, play with that fucking clit. I want you to soak my dick with your cum" he said in a demanding voice as I quickly obeyed, my fingers sliding down to my clit making my entire body shiver the moment my fingers grazed the overly sensitive nub.

"Fuck that's so hot Lacey. I can't wait to fucking cum in you" he said through strained breaths, his words driving me over the deep end as I rubbed my clit harder feeling my orgasm racing through my body as it pounded through me.

"Austin! Austin!" I screamed as I felt my body start to quiver as his dick pounded into me before he rested deeply inside of me and started pulsing against my clenching walls letting out small groans of pleasure as he filled me with his warm cum.

I couldn't stop moaning, my body quivering as I came down from my high. Fuck it felt so real, it felt like it was fucking happening to me in real life when I suddenly realized it fucking was. I sat bolt upright in the extremely messy bed breathing extra heavy. A heat had taken over my body as my one hand laid in my panties buried between my thighs and my other holding my head up as I closed my eyes and let out a small fuck squeezing my legs together in an attempt to stop the pleasure I was clearly giving myself from my amazing fucking dream.

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