I-4 days before

330 11 5

"AHHHHH!!!!!" I screamed as I read the email, my body coming from the chair as I started to jump up and down, the tiny words on the screen jumping with me as I attempted to do the Olympic task of reading the final line while jumping like an idiot.

See you in Salt Lake City! Can't wait to meet you! -Posty

My eyes lingered on that final line as I brought my right hand across my chaotically beating heart and used my left hand to push back the many fly aways that seemed to have broken free from the high ponytail I had put in before bed last night. I struggled to catch my breath bringing my hand down to rest on my white desk as I reread the email for a second time just to be sure I wasn't making things up as an even wider smile started to snake its way onto my already overly elated face.

"Oh my fucking shit" I said with a disbelieving laugh as I fell back into my black rolling chair and rolled a good distance away from my desk as I sat staring blankly out the window at the bright blue New England summer sky.

Shit like this never fucking happened to me, I mean sure I always took a chance at all kinds of contests and shit but I never won, not even like a fucking participation ribbon for entering, so for me to win this made me feel like I was dreaming. I don't even know what made me decide to check my email today—another thing I never paid much mind too. It just exists for online shopping and that's pretty much it—but shit am I fucking glad I did because I needed to be on a plane to Salt Lake on Friday and today was Monday.

"Lace! Lace is everything okay!" my friend Alycia yelled as she came running into my room.  "Lacey? You okay?" she asked as I slowly turned towards her, panic clearly outlined in every single detail of her face as she leaned up against the door frame with her arms folded over her chest.

"Sorry Alycia" I said shaking my head with a laugh before dropping it into my hands while I took a few minutes to gather myself before I slid them away and looked over towards her beaming with excitement. "But you'll never guess what happened" I said as the panic slid from her face and was replaced with curiosity.

"A huge ass spider crawled across your keyboard and you're realizing how ridiculous you were acting?" she asked with a smile as I rolled my eyes at her before placing the tip of my toe to the ground so I could give myself a spin.

"No asshole" I said before I reached my foot out to stop myself as I looked at her, my heart starting to beat rapidly in my chest again at even the thought of mentioning what had happened as I took in a deep breath.

"Get on with it" she said with a smirk motioning with her hand for me to move this conversation forward as she walked into my room and let herself fall into my mattress.

If you didn't know Alycia you would think she was trying to get to the point so she could go back to doing whatever it was that I had interrupted her from, but really she knew me well enough to know if she didn't get me moving I would never fucking tell her.

"Okay, so you remember that contest I entered?" I asked moving the chair to the right just slightly so I could look at her as I rested my feet on top of my pink and white comforter.

"Which one? You enter one whenever you're bored or feeling lucky" she laughed. "Not that it's a bad thing Lace, but shit it gets hard to keep track of them. You could've won a handful of them and you wouldn't even know" she said as I started to laugh as I pointed my finger in her direction.

"This is true and an extremely valid point and had I not decided to check my email for whatever reason today, this would've been one of those instances but clearly this is meant to be" I said sitting up straighter in my chair as I crossed my legs underneath me and gave her a proud smile.

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