VII- Day 6

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Austin's POV

"Are you ready sweetheart?" I asked her as she nodded her head shyly underneath me, my smiling lips coming down to connect with hers as I slid my hand between our bodies and lined my dick up with her seeping pussy. I let out a small moan as I ran my tip through her slippery folds feeling my dick twitch in my hand as she started to moan against my lips before I pulled them away from her.

I stared down at her as I slowly pushed my dick inside of her, my heart hammering heavily against my chest as I slowly spread her open as I slid in her until I was rested completely inside of her. I took in a sharp breath as I leaned down and pressed a soft kiss against her lips. Fuck she felt so fucking good and I knew that if I just went for it now I would cum in an instant.

"You okay Lacey?" I asked her as I pulled away from her lips, her head nodding against the pillow as I smiled at her before placing a soft delicate kiss on her lips again moving them slowly with hers as my hands came down to reach for hers lacing our fingers together before pulling them over her head as I started moving my dick slowly inside of her perfect wet pussy.

"Austin" she moaned as I broke my lips away from hers to catch my breath, the sweet sound of my name floating from her lips making my dick twitch as she let out a moan and clenched her eyes closed.

"Fuck Lacey, you feel so good around me baby" I said as I started moving in her quicker, her legs falling apart wider as I sank deeper inside of her, my hands tightly squeezing hers as I pressed my knees into the mattress to move in her quicker.

"Austin, faster baby. Fuck faster please" she moaned, my hands letting go of hers as I pressed them into the mattress on either side of her head while I pulled my dick almost completely out of her before slamming back inside of her as loud moans fell from her lips.

"Fuck Lacey fuck!" I said loudly, my head falling down as I watched my dick disappear into her tight pussy before letting my eyes roam up to her voluptuous breasts and finally towards her perfect face that was scrunched in undeniable pleasure as I fucked her.

"Austin! Austin!" she screamed, my mind going completely blank as I pushed in her hard, my dick pulsing against her clenching walls as I filled her with my cum while my lips captured her screams against them.

I opened my eyes to stare at the ceiling as my heart hammered against my chest. I took in a couple of deep breaths before slowly moving my eyes down towards my tattoo laden stomach that now had splatters of my warm cum laying against it with a small pool under the tip of my dick. I let out a moan running my hand over my eyes as I awkwardly let my limp dick fall from my hand before hastily pushing the covers off of me as I slid from the bed grabbing my t-shirt that was on the floor next to me as I wiped at my stomach before wrapping the fabric around my sensitive dick, my body shuddering just a bit as I gently cleaned him off before walking towards the bathroom and throwing the evidence into the hamper.

I walked towards the sink turning on the cold water as I leaned my hands on either side of it staring at the water slowly circling around the drain before finally disappearing. I let out a small laugh and gave a head shake before cupping my hands under the frigid stream gathering enough before splashing it against my face not once, not twice but three times. I pressed my hands back against the counter letting the water drip from my face in tiny droplets before grabbing for the towel and gently patting my face dry as I looked at myself in the mirror.

I don't know what it was about yesterday, but whatever it was only made one thing perfectly clear to me. I was starting to feel something for Lacey. She was beautiful, she was shy yet feisty, she was funny, she wasn't afraid to put me in my place....dare I say she was perfect. And fuck, when we kissed yesterday it felt like my fucking body was literally floating away and I never felt that before in my life. Typically when girls kissed me like that I normally just got super hard and I quickly escalated things and wanted to go straight to the bedroom, but with Lacey it was different. When she pulled away from me I wasn't upset like I would've been with other girls, rather I respected her decision but fuck she left me wanting more.

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