V-Day 4

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Lacey's POV

I woke up earlier than I've ever woken up in the two days that I have been here, most likely because I was so fucking nervous to be eating breakfast with Austin. Things went well last night, even though I had to admit that I felt like we were going to be spiraling right down the same hole that we were going before, but it seemed like me taking the first step towards being amicable changed everything. I couldn't help but laugh at what a diva he was at times, Alycia and I had always said that about him and me caving and accepting his apology after he brought it up was just a move a typical diva would make. He never seemed like he made the first move unless it was in the bedroom and fuck, I'd love to find that out. But I couldn't dwell on this excitement alone; I knew who I needed to talk to as I reached over grabbing my phone from the small bedside table quickly hitting Alycia's name as I placed the phone against my ear.

"Well, this is an early phone call" she laughed as I rolled my eyes and placed my hands over my face trying my hardest not to break into a fit of giggles like I often did when I was excited about something.

"Yeah, just couldn't sleep this morning" I said feeling the excitement starting to course through my body as I bit on my bottom lip.

"Okay spill" she said with a laugh as I let out a relieved sigh. "Did we have more scandalous and risky dreams last night and you're calling to ask for advice on how you make it happen in real life?" she asked, my face flushing red as I shook my head against the soft cotton of the pillowcase before letting out a sigh.

"No" I laughed even though I was really hoping to see him in my dreams in some form last night, but I guess seeing him in person and talking with him was the better end of the deal.

"Well then what happened that has you up at eight in the morning and sounding like a little girl who just got the new doll that she wanted on Christmas morning" she asked with a laugh as I sat myself up in bed pulling my knees into my chest as I smiled.

"I actually met Austin last night" I said with a wide smile growing on my face. "And I think it was all because of you suggesting that I do something for his birthday" I finished as I heard her start to laugh on the other end of the phone.

"I take my thanks in the form of Venmo payments" she said making me roll my eyes as I ran my hand over my hair. "Well? How was it!?" she asked excitedly, my heart starting to hammer against my chest as I sat forward, my legs folding Indian style underneath me as I started to smile remembering my night.

"Honestly" I said starting to tug at another loose string on the comforter. "It didn't start out too well. He was very monotone and actually slightly pompous. He got that cocky douchebag asshole attitude about me not responding to his wine apology but fuck Lycia his cocky attitude is such a fucking turn on" I said as she started laughing loudly through the phone.

"So, are you telling me that you want him to be a cocky douchebag asshole for your own selfish pleasure? You're willing to live with that for the next several days just so you can have more scandalous dreams or dare I say a real-life moment with him that drives you wild" she said as I laughed.

"No, I'm just saying there is something about it that's hot that's all" I smiled before letting out a sigh. "Now can I continue?" I asked with a laugh.

"Oh right yeah go ahead" she said clearing her throat as I rolled my eyes.

"Well remember how we always say that he is such a diva. Well, that is a true statement. He doesn't like to be wrong; he likes people to fall at his feet, and he likes to feel like he won" I said as I twirled the thread around between my finger and my thumb. "The moment I reached out and told him that I didn't want to go back down the same road that we took the first two days we were here together it was a like a switch flipped and he was completely different" I said.

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