XIII-Day 12

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Austin's POV

Waking up with her in my arms was such a bittersweet feeling for me. I was falling in love with her, and I was falling in love with her quickly and knowing that I could possibly have to give her up today was something that I didn't even want to think of. I had felt her quietly crying throughout the night and each time I would feel her body shake with a small sob I would pull her closer to me and tell her that everything was going to be okay. I knew that it was easier to hear than to actually deal with, but it seemed to calm her nerves for just a few minutes before the next wave of emotion would start to course through her body. It killed me to see her cry but at the same time it made me happy because I knew that what we had, what we were feeling for each other was indeed completely real. There were no hidden agendas, there was no faking, there was no pretending it was real and fuck I wasn't sure if I was really willing to let that go yet.

I felt her body start to shake as I pulled her closer to me, my lips immediately pressing against the crook of her neck as I slowly and softly started to run my fingertips over her stomach while quietly whispering to her that everything was going to be okay before pressing my lips back into the crook of her neck again. I felt her take in a deep sigh, her body shuddering just slightly as she exhaled before she started to turn around in my embrace as she looked at me with red swollen eyes and a quivering lip. Fuck did it kill me to see her like this, she looked so sad and so vulnerable. Nothing about her right now resembled the strong yet extremely happy and carefree woman that I met several days ago.

I gave her a shy smile as I brought my hand up to rest on her cheek, my thumb softly running underneath her eyes wiping away that wetness that rested there before leaning in to press my lips gently against each spot wishing more than anything that I could kiss the tears away. I pulled away slowly, noticing that her eyes were still delicately closed before she fluttered them open only to reveal their redness once again as she somehow managed to give me a sweet smile. I let my eyes dance with hers as she slowly reached out her hand to caress my cheek, her thumb running over the word always tattooed under my right eye before she slowly traced the daggers and hammer inked into my cheek bone followed by a slow tracing of Stay Away that sat just above my eyebrow.

I felt my own lump start to rise in my throat as she continued to closely examine every feature of my face almost as if she was trying to create a blueprint of it so she could save it forever in her memory, almost as if she was too afraid she was never going to see me again and I didn't like that feeling, I didn't like those thoughts but I let her continue anyway because I felt like right now it was her way of coping with this no matter how much watching her do it made it feel like a stake was being jammed into my heart.

"Aus" she said quietly, her lip starting to tremble as she slowly drug her fingers down my cheek while I shook my head too afraid that if I opened my mouth to tell her that everything was going to be okay that every emotion that I was feeling would come out with it and she didn't need that. Not right now. She just needed to know that after today everything was still going to be okay.

I slowly brought my hand up to rest on her cheek, my thumb slowly caressing her skin as I leaned in closer to her, my lips just barely grazing hers before I gave a quiet shh as she nodded her head. I gave a quick shy smile, before slowly and gently placing my lips against hers. I felt her instantly kiss me harder, the feeling of her skin tightening as she squeezed her eyes shut while a small drop of wetness traveled down the outline of my thumb while she kissed me through her tears. I let my hand travel slowly down to her neck and over her shoulder before resting it against her warm back pulling her closer to me as she wrapped her one leg around my waist instantly pressing her wet core against my already hard dick. But this was for more than just pleasure this morning, this was for her--no for the both of us--so we knew that everything that we've been through was real and nothing was going to change that.

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