X-Day 9

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I felt goosebumps start to form on my skin as the feeling of his warm hand started to glide up my side starting from my hips and slowly working it's way towards my supple breasts. I felt my heart start to race and my breathing quicken as my supple breasts were cupped in his large warm hand accompanied by the feeling of his soft, warm, plump lips leaving strings of kisses against my neck. I let out a small moan as two of his fingers gently tugged on my tit before sliding down the front of my stomach in a painfully slow manner. I felt like my body couldn't take it, my breathing was becoming extremely shallow and my heat was starting to throb at the feeling of his erect dick pressing against my round ass, but at the same time I was craving more of his erotic touches in what were all the right places.

Maybe it was because the way he loved me was so different from the way that Kevin loved me. Kevin was only in it for himself, doing whatever he liked and doing it whenever the fuck he wanted it. But Austin, he was so different. He was a slow lover, a guy that seemed to enjoy the build up to the big moment just as much as having sex itself. He took his time as he slowly moved his hands over my curvy body and moved his lips over my skin. He loved the adventure of finding out just what I liked, how I liked it and where I liked it done and fuck I couldn't deny it, I loved it too. 

I took in a sharp breath as I felt his fingers slide into the wetness of my folds, my ass instantly pressing back against his dick as he let out a groan while gently grabbing  some of the sensitive skin on my neck between his teeth only making me groan louder. I felt my eyes squeeze even tighter as he slowly slid his fingers back and forth through my wetness before finally pressing his thumb against my clit just as he captured my lips against his. I moaned loudly into his mouth as he slid his tongue between my lips letting his dance slowly with mine as he rolled me onto my back. I let my hands come up to wrap around his neck pulling him closer to me as he slowly slid his thick fingers into my tight heat, my lips breaking away from his as I let my head press against the pillow while a loud moan fell from my lips.

I felt a rush of electricity float through my veins as he started to gently fuck me with his fingers, his thumb still rubbing beautiful circles against my throbbing clit while his lips started to slowly work their way down my body leaving a thin trail of hot wet kisses against my skin.

"Austin" I moaned as I felt his lips circle my hard tit, his tongue gently swirling around the hard piece of skin as I brought my hands up to grab at his short hair giving it a small tug as he gently bit my tit making me moan as I pushed harder against his thick fingers.

"Baby, can I taste you?" he whispered against my skin, just the thought of his tongue gliding through my folds making me want to cum as I clenched around his thick fingers.

"Yes baby" I said as his lips connected to my chest as he slowly kissed down my torso, his tongue taunting my belly button as he slowly sank the tip of it inside before pressing his lips over it as he continued his way down my stomach, my breath catching in my throat when I felt him kiss over my mound before slowly sliding his fingers from inside of me leaving me feeling empty for just a minute before he filled the emptiness with the feel of his tongue.

I practically screamed as I felt the wetness of his tongue connect against my folds, his hands coming up to grab my thighs as he parted them just a bit more, his fingers sinking deeply into the soft skin as he slowly ate me out almost as if he was trying to savor the moment. I moaned loudly as I tangled my fingers in his hair, my hips pushing against his mouth while the feeling of his mustache and beard only added to the pleasure that I was feeling. I started to moan louder as the feeling of my orgasm started to build rapidly inside of me, my body starting to realize what it was like to have an out of body experience before he slowly pulled away from my heat, his lips quickly moving up the center of my body before pressing his lips against mine.

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