XI-Day 10

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Lacey's POV

I tried my hardest to struggle against the incessant rays of the sun peeking its way through the sun shade that was pulled the length of Austin's floor to ceiling windows, a small groan of extreme disapproval leaving my lips as I turned towards Austin and buried my head into his chest. The darkness of it helped for only a few minutes before I felt the scorching burn of it radiating off of my naked back as I let out a sigh and admitted defeat before I rolled over on my back with a very loud huff of annoyance. I covered my eyes with my hands letting out yet another quiet sigh before slowly dragging them over my skin before turning my head to look in Austin's direction.

I couldn't help but smile as I watched him sleep, everything about him looking extra soft and extra gentle all while still managing to hold that mysterious sex appeal that seemed to be constantly buzzing around him. I slowly rolled over on my side, my hand coming out to rest against his cheek as I started to slowly trace the daggers and hammer that were tattooed on his upper right cheek hoping that I didn't wake him up as I admired all of the beauty that his face had to offer while mentally trying to figure out how the hell this happened. One minute we were at each other's throats and I couldn't wait to fucking pack my bags to get the hell out of here and Alycia was my only source of communication with a real human being. The next minute I was waking up in his bed after agreeing to giving us a shot and confirming that acceptance from the both of us with the best fucking sex I think I have ever had in my entire life.

I smiled as I leaned in and pressed a subtle kiss on his parted lips before pulling away as I rolled back over so I could easily slide myself from the bed to head towards a shower that I desperately needed. I can't lie, I was beyond ecstatic that he even wanted to give us a shot–especially with the fact that I would be leaving in two more days–but I was also extremely nervous. I was always the kind of person that when they fell, they fell quickly and the words I love you were already floating around in my brain even though I know that we should be nowhere near that level yet. Not to mention despite my excitement for all of this, I couldn't help but wonder if the both of us were jumping into things too quickly based on the fact that we were each other's soul company the last ten days and well being locked up in a house with someone could make you feel things you otherwise wouldn't feel.

But, I did take into consideration the fact that he didn't try anything with me until recently and that had to stand for something. I mean if he was being your typical douchebag asshole guy who was just using a girl for his own selfish pleasure he would've tried to get with me even when he was being a straight up dick to me, but he didn't. He waited and he patiently worked his way up to it and for a guy to do that to me that definitely said something.

However, I was extremely curious about what was going to happen when I left here. Was that going to be the end of us? Was that why he was trying to get as much of me now as he could? Was he going to try to make me stay like every other girl that he's dated, afterall he did say that he doesn't like to be alone for too long. I shook my head at these thoughts as I walked into the large bathroom–that was literally the size of my upstairs–partially closing the door behind me before reaching into the shower and turning on the water. I couldn't think of this now–even though I knew I was going to have to think about it eventually–right now all I wanted to do was focus on the time that I had with him before I had to board that plane and head back to Connecticut with what I was sure would be an extremely heavy heart.

I stepped inside the shower letting the door close behind me as I stood under the scalding stream of water, my skin instantly turning red as I slowly ran my hands over my hair letting them rest at the base of my neck while I stared down at the slate gray flooring as the water circled like a cyclone down the large drain and dripped in heavy drops from my nose, chin and eyelashes. I stood there for a minute hoping that the steady stream of never ending water would wash away all of the doubts and worries that were seeming to build up inside of me when I jumped just slightly at the feeling of warm arms wrapping around my body.

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