III-Day 2

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"I have to say if it wasn't for his bitch as he refers to himself, but his real name is Ben" I said with a quiet and somewhat sad laugh, "I don't think I would've survived the night" I said sadly to Alycia as I curled myself into the surprisingly warm and heavy covers of the California King bed, right now the best thing that has come out of this weekend with what I thought was the nicest and sexiest man to ever grace this planet.

"He brought me dinner from some place down the street and apologized to me profusely for Austin's attitude" I said with a sigh as I rolled over on my back and placed my hand over my eyes. "He kept saying he didn't know what was causing him to act like this and that he swore that he knew about the contest and that I was arriving today" I said shrugging my shoulders as I let my hand fall from my eyes as it fell to the soft mattress with a small thud.

"I mean, I guess if I was coming back from France I would be kinda pissed that a contest winner just showed up at my house too, but then again if he knew about it he kinda doesn't have the right too" she said with an equally as loud sigh that I had just given. "Plus, didn't Ben tell you that he asked for you to come to the house because he didn't feel like going out?" she asked as I nodded my head against the pillow before finally giving her a quiet yes.

"And then when I get here, I find out that he fails his covid test and here I am. Stuck in a perpetual hell with the biggest fucking douchebag fucking asshole that I have ever met" I said with a pause. "And I've met some pretty big fucking douchebag assholes" I said pointing my finger at no one in particular as Alycia started to laugh on the other end of the phone.

"Yes, yes you have so that says a lot" she said giving a small laugh before letting out a small sigh. "So, what are you going to do now?" she asked, this time it was me who let out a sigh as I sat myself up in the large bed holding the covers close to my chest and rested my chin on my knees.

"Honestly I have no fucking clue" I said laughing sadly. "I'm stuck in this house with a guy that I can't even have a civil conversation with. As far as I know Ben is in the guest house and refuses to associate himself. He's too afraid he'll get sick again and he wants to go home to his wife and baby" I said pulling at a random thread that was loose on the comforter. "So, I don't even have him to talk to" I said shrugging my shoulders as the line fell silent for just a few minutes.

"Lace" Alycia's voice said softly. "I'm so sorry this happened to you, this wasn't how it was supposed to go for you, not at all" she said as I felt my bottom lip start to tremble at her words. "You've wanted this for years and you deserved more than some asshole who wouldn't even give you the fucking time of day" she said as I nodded my head just as a few tears fell from behind my water line.

"It's okay" I said quietly in an attempt to hold back my tears as I took in a shaky breath before slowly letting it out. "Things happen for a reason ya know? I just don't know what the fucking reason is that I am stuck here with him now. Who the hell did I piss off up there that they want to punish me like this?" I said as we both started laughing.

"I wish you could at least go out so you can wear some of those sexy outfits for some of the guys in Salt Lake City" she said as I felt my cheeks start to turn red while I nervously pushed my hair behind my ears. "Speaking of clothes, do you even have enough to last you a week and a half?" she asked as I started to laugh.

"I think so, some of them might be a little over the top to wear around a house or for my bedroom" I said with a small giggle. "But if not, I don't think it would really matter any if I walked around naked in front of him. He seems to fucking despise me so" I said shrugging my shoulders as she started to laugh.

"He might come around Lace. Maybe he just had an off day, he was probably tired maybe he was a little drunk you never know. I know first impressions are everything and shit, but don't be to upset about how this is turning out right now okay?" she said as I nodded my head, although her words were pretty much irrelevant. She didn't know how it felt to be in the house of the guy you've wanted to meet all your life and feel like the most unwelcomed and hated soul on the planet. But I knew she was just trying to help.

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