IX-Day 8

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Lacey's POV

"Lacey, sweetheart. Wake up beautiful" I heard that lovely raspy voice whisper into my ear while his hand gently ran over the dip in my waist and his lips pressed soft kisses against my temple. I smiled to myself for just a minute as I tried to decipher if that beautiful voice was coming from my dreams or if I was hearing it in real life when I heard the beautiful hum of it travel through me again.

"Lacey" he said a little louder this time making my eyelids flutter open as I slowly rolled over onto my back, my droopy and tired eyes staring into the brilliant blue of his as he stared down at me with the sweetest of smiles tugging at both corners of his lips.

"Hey baby" I mumbled only registering what was coming off of my lips after it was already said, but judging by the smile on his face it didn't seem like it was unwanted. I smiled to myself at my thought before reaching up to gently run my fingers over his soft beard before he gently leaned in and pressed a soft kiss against my lips.

"Come on sweetheart or we're going to miss it" he smirked down at me, his lips pressing a quick kiss against mine again before sliding himself out of the bed, the sounds of his dresser drawers quietly gliding open filling my ears as I brought my hands up to wipe at my eyes before pushing myself out of the bed as I sat on the edge watching as he slowly walked over towards me.

"Where are we going?" I said with a small smile as I stretched my arms over my head, Austin taking full advantage of my new position as he slid his arm under my legs and one behind my back scooping me up into his strong arms as I giggled before wrapping my arms around his neck and resting my head on his shoulder.

"Outside" he said quietly pressing his lips to my head as we walked out towards the patio, my arms clenching tighter around his neck when the cool morning breeze started to tickle my neck making him start to chuckle before gently setting me down, my jaw dropping at what I saw.

He had a large blanket laid out on the ground, several long body pillows and a few smaller pillows littered on top of it. A breakfast tray laying in the middle with a carafe of coffee, a small pitcher of cream and some sugar as well as a plate littered with bagels and breakfast pastries. I let my eyes wander over the very intimate scene in front of me as I turned to look at him, my hands reaching out for his as I loosely laced out fingers together before standing on my tip toes so I could press a kiss gently on his lips.

"This is beautiful" I said as he smirked at me, his fingers tightening around mine as he pressed another kiss to my lips before resting his forehead against mine.

"I love watching the sunrise Lacey, and I wanted to share it with you" he said before pressing a soft peck against the tip of my nose as he walked us over towards the blanket. I sat down with a smile as he handed me one of his sweatshirts, a large smile spreading across my face as I threw it over my head and let out a small ahh at the warmth that it instantly brought me.

"I don't think I would've thought of you as a sunrise kinda guy" I said with a smile while bringing my shoulder up to my cheek as he looked over at me with a smirk while he poured me a cup of coffee and handed it to me.

"Fair enough" he smiled as he tugged me between his legs, a small giggle leaving my lips as he wrapped his arms around me, his lips pressing delicately into the crook of my neck as I closed my eyes and savored the moment before he pulled away. "Warm enough?" he asked as I nodded my head and nestled more into his body before taking a sip of my coffee.

"So how often do you come out here and watch the sunrise?" I asked, his arms still wrapped tightly around me as we both stared out into the horizon, the sky just starting to turn the pastel colors of the morning as he let out a sigh before pressing a gentle kiss to the top of my head.

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