VI- Day 5

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Austin's POV

I woke up around six—which was normal for me ever since I came back from France. I fucking hated it and couldn't wait until my body got back on track—my head resting against the soft black pillow and my arms wrapped around her warm body as I smiled giving her a tight squeeze. I wasn't sure when we had switched positions from her leaning on me as she fell asleep, to me laying on my back with her peacefully asleep on top of my chest, but I wasn't complaining in the least.

I smiled as I started to slowly move my fingers up and down her back, a small smile tugging on her lips as she sleepily moved herself into a more comfortable position—if that were even possible—then she was. I lifted my hands from her back watching as she fidgeted before letting out a cute sigh, her hand coming up to rest against my chest as she started to breathe her slow, deep and comfortable breaths again.

I took the time to study her while she was sleeping, and I couldn't help but smile. I know that she wasn't given a choice about staying here with me, yet despite me being the biggest fucking douchebag asshole I have ever been she still agreed to give me another chance, and not many people would do that which led me to believe she had the biggest fucking heart of anyone that I've ever met. I continued rubbing her back as she slept peacefully on top of me, my eyes wandering over her beautiful face as I let out a sigh.

She was gorgeous there was no doubt about that, and her sweet and caring personality only made her physical attributes even more attractive. She had everything I wanted and then some and I couldn't believe that she was the girl that had won the contest to meet me. I wasn't looking for anything to come of the weekend—most likely because I had intended on spending a few hours with whoever won each day before coming back to my house and doing my thing—but now that I had to stay home for a week and a half and she had to stay with me...well that changed things.

I shifted myself just slightly on the couch, my hand still rubbing her back as I took a deep breath and placed my lips delicately on the top of her head. I closed my eyes as she let out another happy sigh while her fingers grabbed at a little bit of my shirt before she continued sleeping peacefully. After yesterday I just felt completely different about her being here. I was under the assumption that she was going to be some annoying, lovesick fan who was infatuated with just the simple thought of me and would be calling me Posty or Post Malone all weekend and annoyingly following me around all fucking weekend. But she was different. She was sweet, extremely kind and shy. She wasn't afraid to give me a taste of my own medicine—as she referred to it—and when I finally took the time to get to know her, she was funny and made me so fucking comfortable. Not to mention she treated me like a human, someone she's known her entire life and she called me Austin and those three things meant so fucking much to me.

I lay with her for a few more minutes and fuck I knew that I should be getting up and I knew that I shouldn't be feeling half of the fucking things that I was feeling right now, but I just couldn't help it. I don't know if it was because I felt like shit for treating her the way I did after getting to know her yesterday or if I was really growing and developing feelings for Lacey. But I was sure that I wanted to continue to get to know her and make the rest of her stay here the best that I could fucking make it. I let out a sigh before pressing my lips delicately against the top of her head one more time, my eyes squeezing closed as I gently held her tighter loving how her body sleepily reacted to my touch before I gently—but not extremely easily—slid out from underneath her.

I couldn't help but smile as a small whimper left her lips while I gently pulled the fluffy blanket up to her chin, my fingers gently swiping the hair out of her face as I smiled before I bent down and placed a soft kiss against her warm forehead. I pulled away from her slowly, my body filled with electrifying tingles as I shook my head before grabbing my smokes from the table and walked the few feet down the hall towards my music room. I don't know why but after waking up with her in my arms I just wanted to write or play my guitar or something.  I felt at peace, I felt comfortable, and I never thought that I could feel that way with someone, let alone someone that I hardly even knew. I've always heard the word soulmate being thrown around and I guess you could say that I always tried to find that in some of the girls that I've been with, and I can't lie a few of them checked off a few boxes in the soulmate category. But Lacey, shit she's only been in my life for five days—well technically three since I treated her like shit the first two—and I felt like she was somehow checking off the most.

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