6. ....peaceful mornings....

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Helloooo chapter 6 here!

A short chapter with cute moments :)

Enjoy :)


Porchay's POV

The sun rays sneakily making their way to our sleeping faces, making me wake up slowly. My eyes opening seeing the bare chest of a man. What a way to start your damn day. My barely opened eyes slowly travelled up to the face of the gorgeous man beside me. His one arm under my body holding me gently while the other rested somewhere on the bed. His eyes closed, face so peaceful and smooth, gosh how can you not fall for a guy like this. My lips curved into a smile as I leaned to kiss his cheek then nose, noticing his eyes open slowly making me panic suddenly and close my eyes

"I already saw it" his voice which was usually slightly deep was too deep and raspy right now. His hands slowly caressing my hair, my eyes opened up to look at him "slept well?" "Yes, did you phi?" "Of course I did" he smiled and kissed my head, touching my lips "I didn't know these pretty little things can kiss so good" no no no dont talk of that right now. Pulling my face away embarrassed, I looked around the room. I can still feel his stare on me, it's so intense "do you like my room?" He asked, hugging me gently "yes.. I think yours is the prettiest in the house phi" my eyes wandered everywhere. One thing was.. There was just photos of kim and only kim. No family photos, or photos with brothers or dad or anyone "thank you" he leaned closer to my cheek nuzzling his nose in it, sniffing it smiling "you can come here to sleep you know"

My eyes widened, head turning to him quickly "what?!" "Yea, I'm usually out anyways, so you can use this room" ah like that- this piece of - "you could've said that clearer" I mumbled and felt him pull me closer "so.. you were thinking I invited you to sleep together with me? That sounds fine too. Wanna come to my apartment baby?" He whispers, making me feel goosebumps all over my body. My body quickly sat up as I look at him "no- not at all-" getting off bed, I picked my shirt and pants putting them on "where are you going sweetie?" "Downstairs, everyone's there"

"With those marks on your neck?" Fuck I forgot - running to the bathroom, I checked my neck. Jesus- was he kissing me Or eating me? Why is there so many marks. Purple, red, and kinda blackish purple, damn kim you bastard, you just put all those colours on my neck huh. "Phiiii" walking out I saw him wearing his shirt with his pants on already "yea?" He looked at me "gimme something to cover up this stuff" I don't even have foundation or shit to put on right now.

"Why? They look nice. It makes you look pre-" "cut that crap and get me something before I throw you off the window" I said annoyed. This wasn't funny. If Hia saw these marks he's probably gonna throw kim out of this world "alright come here" he chuckled and brought a foundation from his drawer, making me sit on the bed and sat beside me, gently putting it on "you had this?" "I'm a musician too chay, for shows and videos I have to put them. So I have alot of shades" yea of course he does. He's super famous indeed. Kim covered all those marks which were visible and finally we both walked down. No- not together. Kim walked in first and I went later. We don't wanna tell anyone anything yet, except pete. I'll tell him of course.

Making my way to the dining table, someone stopped me "Mr. Porchay" my eyes turned to the voice. It was Chan, body guard of khun korn "yes?" "Khun korn is calling you" he informed. Me? Why? We don't really talk anytime. I wonder what this is about. I had no choice but to walk with him to go to his office for now cause who the hell can ignore khun korn.

A short chapter :) so how we feeling so far?

Why do you think korn called him?
And yes I kept chan alive cause I don't know who else can be the body guard for chan :)

Hope you liked it!

Thanks for reading! ♡♡♡

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