special chapter [18+]

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A special chapter like always!

Enjoy :)


Kim's POV

"Kim~" a gentle whisper left his mouth, yet he was reacting to me so well. My lips touched his neck, leaving wet kisses all around while his hands that rested on my chest a while ago were now tangled up in my hair, softly pulling them. Chay , no matter how much you protest, it's very clear what you like and what you don't. And that's what I love about chay. The moments when he's too stubborn to give in but his body says otherwise. He drives me crazy when that happens. It makes me wanna just keep him in bed all day. Just keep pleasuring him all day.

Grazing my teeth on his neck and gently taking some skin between them, I sucked it softly earning a faint, muffled moan "Kim fuck- dont make a hickey" he pulled my hair trying to make me pull away while pressing our bodies more. Fuck he's so hot this way, trying desperately to get some touch. Pulling away, I smiled at the beautiful mark on his neck. Not like he didn't have them before, but the more the better right. My hand slowly slid down from his chest to stomach then his boxers, slowly sliding in, earning a gasp from him. A smile came across my face as I gently take his hand and slid it inside my own boxers, now seeing his surprised expression. Porchay stop this, stop being so hot and cute at the same time. Gosh he drives me crazy

"P-phi what are you-"  his little stutters are honestly the cutest. I love it when I can make him stutter, I love it when he becomes so flustered, yet excited. The excitement is right there in his eyes "shhh~ don't be nervous. We're just gonna help each other" winking at him, my hand grabbed his cock gently "you resist so much, but look how turned on you are for me baby" I whispered kissing his ear "grab it" I whispered, and he did as told, grabbing my cock in his warm hand. Slowly, we started stroking each other, sinful sounds leaving our mouths. My thumb pressed on his tip, earning a whimper from him "k-kim ugh~" fuck . The way he says my name when he feels pleasured is addicting,so addicting "good boy~ keep saying my name like that"

His movements slowly got faster, both of our moans becoming a little more audible "fuck chay~ keep going just like that, you're doing so good ~" knowing how chay loves to be praised, i always do so. He's so submissive under me and that's what turns me on the most. Stroking his cock faster, his moans increased in pitch and his hand moved faster in my boxers. Both of our moans echoed through the room in the blue lighting. My eyes closed, head leaning back as I hissed softly and bit my lips. Porchay, this not-so-innocent kid, always drives me crazy. So many fantasies were done and so many left. It was always fun to do new stuff to him and get those beautiful reactions and sounds from him.

A loud moan and we both came, getting a little cum on both our hands. The heavy panting noises filled the room while we both calmed down from the high. My eyes opened, looking down just to see chay with his eyes still closed, lips slightly parted and still soft pants leaving his mouth. Without realising, I leaned down and took his plump, bottom lip between my teeth, biting it and sucking it harshly "ahh~" he moaned again while I sucked it more. I can never get tired of him. Just how innocent and sexy he was at the same time. Just how he looked under me. Just how he let me ruin him and how easy it was to make chay listen to me.

Pulling away, seeing chay this way was probably my favourite look. "Ah get off now, we have to go down" he whispered as I chuckled "lemme ruin you a little more~ one more round-?"  "Don't you dare. It's breakfast time. Get off" well this was the side of him I kinda feared. To not give him any reason to leave me again, I obeyed him. I know he won't, but I don't want him to get mad at me Or worse, I don't wanna force him in anything. Making sure he is enjoying what we do is always a priority.

Smiling, I got off and picked a tissue cleaning us up but that wasn't enough. We took a bath too. Seperately sadly. Cause according to chay "you can't control your ass in there, we gonna shower seperately. No questions asked" I swear the more chay is growing up, more he's sassy and more like porche. Well porche is my brother in law now so we can't say anything can we?


"A what now?"  "Movie phi kimmm" chay said, almost begging me. I'm just trying to eat peacefully but chay suddenly brought up this topic of watching a movie. For me, I'm not a big fan of movies. They're just fictional characters and unrealistic stories. We've had alot of movie dates together, and it always ended up in me just trying to explain how I really did watch the movie and it was interesting- but anything for him. Sometimes I wish I didn't spoil him this much-

"Chay didn't you say you have work to do? And what about gym, you gonna skip it again?" My eyes fell on the guy next to me, his face instantly becoming sad "when did I say I had work? College is done and everythings finished. And I can always gym laterr. P'Kim it's a new movie pleasee"   "just take him" Vegas said. Ever since they did that mission together, Vegas really treats porchay like a kid. Spoiling him and everything "alright alright. Let's go"  "yesssss"


"Oh gosh..." A loud sniff followed the sad tone making me look to my side. Chay was slowly chewing a popcorn, his cheeks wet from crying and nose red. I held in my chuckle, seeing him this way he's just adorable! My hands gently wiped his tears and rested his head on my shoulder, patting it "shh it's alright. It's just a movie. They will surely be together" feeling his head nod slowly, my eyes turned back to the movie. It is indeed a sad movie, but I don't know why , I dont think it's sad enough to cry? But then again, chay is a little kid, I get it. He's very soft hearted. Chay did come in this mafia world and became someone who could be as ruthless as me, but he's still the same old porchay deep down. And I'm gonna do my best to protect him.

"The movie was great but sad" porchay said wiping his tears "you're just a cry baby" I said patting his head, just to see his angry little face and get a painful smack on my head "shut up" he said walking faster to the car while I groan laughing "porchay~ wait baby"

Porchay and me might not be the perfect couple yet. We still have alot to learn and lot to see, but one thing we knew now was, We are together. We will always be together. In sadness or happiness, we will be together always and be there for each other.


With that the story ends officially!

I had alot of ideas for this special chapter but then I wanted to keep it simple and give you guys some hot and cute moments hehe. Again thank you so so much for giving it a chance ♡♡♡

I'm planning to write a vp fanfic next. Please follow me to stay up to date. And also tell if you would want one and what kind of vp ff you want :)

Hope you liked it!

Thanks for reading! ♡♡♡

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