30. .....reunite.....

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Hello! Chapter 30 up!

Last chapter :(

Enjoy :)


Sometimes simple things take alot of courage, and become complicated even before we know it.

[2 years later]

3rd person's POV

"Why can't you find him?! Is it that hard to find a kid?!" The loud voice echoed all over the room, making the other existence there sigh annoyingly "kinn shouting ain't gonna make things better" "I can't help it! These idiots can't find porchay and it's been years! Imma shoot y'all!!" Kim sighed getting up and looked at the gaurds "get out y'all before he actually shoots you" he commanded while everyone bowed running out for their lives "can you stay any calm than this? I get it, porche wants you to find him instantly but shouting won't get him to us" "Kim. My boyfriend right now is loosing himself. He can't stay calm and composed like you even after loosing porchay. Why did he have to run away that day..."


[2 years earlier- day of war]

Vegas's POV

"Are you insane?!" My eyebrows furrowed hearing what chay said. We went through all this shit just to kill this old rag and now he doesn't wanna do it? "Chay you do know what you doing? He's the one who ruined everything. You said it yourself"  "just cause he ruined my life, he doesn't have the right to die. I want him to stay alive and suffer like my mother and brother did" porchay, an Innocent little 20 year old. This is the first time i realised how dirty our work is. He, who never even punched anyone and was patient and witty, today he's talking about stuff like this. How we changed him. Maybe for the good, but mostly for the worse "alright get him then" I said rushing to him picking the fainted body, while he opened a window and saw our gaurds climbing up through a rope. Of course, after killing him we would have climbed down with them and ran away but now we have another person.

The gaurds came in and we explained to take korn to the car, tie this bastard and just throw him in the back. While the gaurds did so, chay put on his mask and his big eyes looked at me "phi, go first"  "I'll come later, you go down first" chay didn't argue, maybe he's still shocked with the decision he made. He walked to the window and held the rope carefully, slowly going down by it with the support of the wall. For me, I was gonna do the same when the door opened. Shit- i guess -

"Keep your guns down!" Porche shouted and all of the family is just standing at the door. "Vegas?" Pete called out frowning. We have to think quick right "someone took uncle korn!" I said, my voice giving the hint of panic "what?!" Kinn rushed in looking around for his dad "shit! Those bloody italians!!" Kinn, who was always a little too emotional for this work, was doing it again. His anger, his emotions, everything always took over him "it's not the time. Send a team to their house for now, I'm sure they took uncle there" I said while pete seemed to only care about that one cut I got on my cheek. He gently cleaned off the blood, eyes full of worry. I'm sorry pete. But i have to act it this way to save porchay. I'm sure they left till now seeing how I got caught but luckily we saved it.



Kim's POV

Since the italians attacked, we didn't find porchay, not even my dad. We thought the italians captured them, but after a war and all the spying, they weren't there. We believe they're alive. Of course they are, it's just weird how both of them disappeared together. For dad, I can't care less right now, but chay? When I heard the news, I almost lost it. It felt like the world just fell apart. It took so long for everyone to come out of the grief and actually do stuff. Kinn is the head now, Vegas is the head of the minor family. While me and porche, we both work in background for them. Tankhun? Please that guy still goes into porchay's room and cries rivers. He really adored porchay alot. Everyone did. But not more than me.

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