20. ....caught?....

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Hello! Chapter 20 out!!!!

You guys said you want more of the chapters so it's gonna be a longgg ff :)

This chapter is just a little cute chapter I wanted to write!

Enjoy :)


They say everyone has a reason to meet. Our destinies overlap for a reason, I wonder if our destiny tangled up to give me a beautiful gift of love Or a terrible punishment of betrayal...


Porchay's POV

The lovely moment of us sharing a soft hug, exposing our vulnerable bodies to prove the trust we have in each other was just the best moment I've ever experienced. So soft and simple yet so emotionally beautiful, it couldn't get any better. A gentle movement from the other side and soon a soft pair of lips touching my nose then lips. Wanting this feeling to last, I didn't dare open my eyes even after waking and that's when I felt a hand on my hair, gently brushing them back "cmon stop pretending" the voice called me out, just how perfectly he knew I'm awake and quiet. My eyes opened halfway, glancing at the beautiful man in front of me, his eyes stuck on my face.

My hand involuntarily touched his cheek caressing it gently "morning" his deep, raspy and whispery tone made me feel so much in my stomach "morning.." My voice almost whispered before closing the half open eyes again   "Need to get up chay, we have to go to college soon" that made me whine more than anything. It's the worse to go to college after waking up on a day this sweet "phi.."  "We have to cmon" he whispered and slowly sat up, helping me sit up too and lifted my low hanging chin, putting our lips together. Ah the morning kisses, it's the best. The kiss was soft and loving, our hands resting on each other's neck and chest softly while enjoying the moment. But this didn't really last that long when the door just flung open catching us off guard

"Ai'kim! come ou- ahhhhh" the scream from tankhun was probably louder and scarier than our own reaction when we were caught "chay!!! the hell!!!" Shit shit shit. We actually got caught? After all the times, we get caught this way? In the morning, shirtless and in the same bed kissing - fuck that sounds so wrong "tankhun! Get out! Now!" Kim who was in a daze moments ago was now aware of the situation and probably doing his best to act like this wasn't a big deal. He wasn't tense but I'm sure he knew I was. Cause if tankhun knows, everyone knows.


"Since when?"  "Uh.. A few weeks?" My eyes shifted all around the living room, noticing the littlest and unimportant details it had. Just anywhere but those piercing eyes in front of me, that belonged to that one person who loves me the most- but maybe not right now. Those eyes were not judging me, but mad at me cause it belonged to the person I told everything, everything about life and myself, little to big things, important to unimportant ones, but now, I didn't tell him something so important in my life. "Chay how could you not tell then?" He said frowning, the disappointment all over his face "I'm sorry hia" my head bowed down in an apology " I was just.. worried about your reaction"  "that's a later thing! I should know about stuff like this. I get it, you're gonna be an adult but you still are my younger brother" the eyes that were scolding me now travelled to the person beside me, who was sitting so respectfully with both his hands on his knees while both of us sat on ground.

"and you? The hell did you do to him huh?! "  hia was just going off like anything, so kinn had to barge in "alright hun that's enough, they're still kids" kinn looked at us "you two, it was wrong to hide but now that it's out anyways, don't hide anything again" both of us nodded slowly in sync "Kim, I'll trust you with cha-"  "I don't" before kinn could say, hia cut him in making me look at him quickly "why hia?"  "He has to prove he's worth you"  "and how is he gonna do that?" My face that was worried in now frowning, the fuck? Thats double standards hia, you're literally dating his brother aren't you? I didn't say shit about it that's so mean. "Well, I'll see if he treats you good, one mistake and out"  "wait- hia that should be decided by me!"  "Chay, I'm still your brother right? He has to prove himself, show me he can take care of you"   "hia I don't need a new mom Or brother! I can take care of myself. I just need love"

The heated argument was too much for everyone, but that was until tankhun came inside with a big ass bouquet of flowers and his fake tears "jeez my brotherrr" he instantly ran to Kim, hugging him like his life depended on it "my kimmm, my Kim you became so bigg, dating already"  gosh someone take this drama queen out, this ain't the time  "tankhun leav-"  "shh!"  Kim wasn't even allowed to speak. It's rare to see someone shut Kim. "Tankhun now isn't the time - get out" hia said but who can stop tankhun. He made his way to me and hugged me "you know I knew it since the day you two met on the dinner, the tension between you two was damn good" he said like we're in a damn bl series who had great chemistry between main leads  "khun no-"  "chay listen! I know my brother is an idiot in love. He's very stupid in this subject and you're his first, but trust me he ain't bad. He's a little too charming and I know that's alarming but he won't cheat, and if he does I'll cut off his legs so dont worry hm?"

Tankhun went on with his speech but something I felt was kim's hand slowly holding mine. My head turned to him and there he was, smiling at me. He knew he got the permission from everyone and he was confident that he will get it from hia too. The smile, that was a smile of "finally we're together". I couldn't help but smile at him too, holding his hand tighter and intervene our fingers.
Kim, thank you for coming to my life.


Next chapter is gonna be fUn :)

Hope you liked it!

Thanks for reading! ♡♡♡

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