17. ....weird feelings....

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Hello! Chapter 17 here!

I know it's late and short but trust me the story ahead is a little more fun :)

Enjoy :)


3rd person's POV

"P'K-kim wait a seco-" the poor boys voice muffled into the desperate kiss again. The kiss was carefully done as kim made sure he won't hurt the piercing in any way. Chay was right now pinned to the door after kim had locked it and his hands were both above his head held by only one of the hands of kim. The other hand was holding chay's neck in place as he kissed him deeply and you can say hungrily.

Chay after gaining enough strength pulled away from the hot kiss they were sharing, panting softly while looking at kim "ph-" "who told you to wear this stuff?" He asked and his hand slowly slid up the others bare arm, caressing it "who told you that you can wear stuff like this for others huh?" This was a new side of kim, it was maybe a mixture of jealousy and lust, with just a tiny bit of love somewhere there "p-phi dont i look good thou-" "that's not the point" kim's hand slowly went to the others chin, lifting it so it was a better eye contact "that's not it, except me, so many people saw this" he whispered and looked at the piercing "who told you to get that?" The piercing was the last thing kim would think chay will get "well.. I just wanted to try, it's removable so I'll take it off if you don't lik-" "I never said I didn't like it" it was like kim was throwing bombs all around with all his words.

The tension in the room grow so quickly, it didn't even give time to process "phi- " "stop calling me like that chay.." Kim almost pleaded. It was just the way chay would say it that made Kim wanna do so many things to the younger guy. He wanted to break him in every way possible - with consent of course. "No wait phi, don't you hear something?" "Chay that method is years old , why are you so nervous?" Kim's hand suddenly held the other cheeks cupping them "am I scaring you?" He watched how chay's face showed nervousness, more than that it was just..resistance? Some sadness? Guilt? Why would chay feel that though "if you don't want it, lets leave it" Kim said and smiled. Might not seem like it but kim won't do anything without consent and he would never sulk on the fact that chay didn't want it, he will understand him "I'm sorry phi.. I don't know why.. " "shhh" he put his finger on the others lips "it's alright" they shared a moment, staring in each other's eyes before a soft hug was shared. The night wasn't sexy but it was indeed a soft, cuddly night for the two.

[next morning]

"Where did you say again?" Chay asked, looking up at the driver who was driving the two of them somewhere "outside here khun porchay, it's pretty much in the rural area" chay instantly frowned "mom and dad's friends live in rural area? that's weird" he mumbled and looked over at his bodygaurd, nik. He was his personal bodygaurd and they both were investigating on some stuff right now "it's not weird khun porchay, according to the data, the family went into a huge debt and lost everything, they even asked your parents for help back then but then disappeared" "suddenly?" "Yes sir" chay was in deep thinking. Why would they disappear that way? And why did he never know about these close friends his parents had. He noticed the pictures they had together. Even their kids were close but then why porche Or anyone never mentioned them? Does his brother not remember anything from that young?

Soon reaching to a village, chay got off and looked around. The place had barely any houses and other stuff, it was almost barren. How can someone live at a lonely place like this? Making his way to the house of his parent's friend, he rang the bell waiting "are you sure someone lives here-" as soon as chay finished the door opened to a man, nearly the age of korn who looked at chay kinda confused "yes?" "Ah.. I'm.. I'm the son of the kittisawad's, here to meet you" a soft smile came to chay's face but that wasn't reciprocated at all , instead a shout was heard which was unexpected.


Oooh what do you think just happened??

Hope you liked it!

Thanks for reading! ♡♡♡

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