25. .....personas.....

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Hello! Chapter 25 up!

Tw: slight mention of abuse

Enjoy :)


Cheating. This word already carries so many negative emotions with itself. Once cheated in a relationship, business or anything and it can never be the same. The trust would be gone, and once trust is gone, all is gone. Cause a broken thread can't be mended back into its original form, but only a knot can be made, a knot of doubt, a knot of that little possibility that it would happen again, a knot of hard feelings..


3rd person's POV

"Someone must've told you to do this right? who was it? who helped you take this all information?" Silence again engulfed the room, making the man in a full black suit, hit the chained men in front of him. Kicking them harshly in their already bruised faces, he didn't hesitate to pull their hair to punch their cheeks to form a red mark "leave it" a voice spoke from behind them, the guy instantly moving away for his boss to take control. Chay, who was now wearing a navy blue suit, his hair parted on the side revealing his beautiful forehead unlike when he had bangs, made his way to the two betrayers "I trusted you two alot" chay's eyes fell on the table beside which had a knife and a gun "which one is better?" He asked ever so innocently looking at the two men in front of him, who were quiet shivery from the chillness in that dark room and of course, cause of the aura of the man in front of them "knife, it makes a mess doesn't it?I hate getting my clothes dirty" chay said, his fingers gently caressing the sharp metal knife kept on the table, shining ever so beautifully.

His fingers then went to the black gun right next to it "man, this would make a sound won't it?" He looked at the two men "answer me. what should I use on you two hm?" "We're sorry sir. Please just give us another chan-" chay's footsteps suddenly grew louder as he walked in front of the two, crouching down and held their faces "another chance? and why should I do that? Are you someone special to me?" Chay's tone was no longer of the sweet and soft guy he was known to be, this was a new side of himself. A persona he never showed anyone but his bodygaurds "you betrayed the family, betrayed the people who fed you, paid for your families, gave you home" chay's hands slowly went to their necks, wrapping around them, before squeezing their throats making it almost impossible to breath "that's not loyal. Dogs must stay loyal to their boss right?" A scary smirk played on chay's lips, watching the two trying to grasp on the last ounce of air they could before their eyes slowly shutting, and that's when chay pulled away.

The silent room filled with gaging, coughing and loud breathing noises "still.. You guys served the major family for enough, I'll let you two live here" he got up smiling "but sadly, you won't get food or water. Let's see how good your survival skills are shall we?" Chay didn't kill them yet. He was gonna give them a slow death, like they worked towards the downfall of the major family slowly. The boy who was known for his innocence and gentleness also had a crazy dark side to himself, which seemed pretty unbelievable but was indeed true. Making his way out of the cold basement, he walked up to his room and made his way to the door to leave this house now. But before doing so, his head turned to a bodygaurd behind him "make sure no one gives them anything, keep them locked there and just let them be" chay said before walking to the car with the hands in his pocket.

Soon driving home, chay was looking at some files to dig some more truth about their family if they could find something. But nothing. Still all the evidences pointed to korn, and it was just the worse it could get. Korn had hidden alot of cases, alot of truths from people. This wasn't gonna go well was it? Korn was the one to kill uncle thee, he killed their dad and made their mom quiet that way. He killed gun and made Vegas work behind the scenes. "Khun porchay, what do you plan to do with all the information?" Nik asked, since porchay was having this information for a while now but he didn't take a step. He was just being cautious. He needed solid proofs. If his theory was wrong and Korn didn't do that, it was gonna mess up everything. Unlike porche who was impulsive when he found out about the death of their parents, chay remained calm. Just for one reason. He didn't want to be impulsive and take a wrong step in this perfectly made game by Korn.
"We have to play the game nik. This game shall be won by the deserved one"


Porchay's POV

"Kim! Bring yours!" My arms instinctively moved away from kim, protecting my precious box of chocolate ice cream. I clearly told this guy to buy another ice cream for himself but he refused, and now he's freaking stealing from me. How petty "chayy cmon, how would I get ice cream at night? Lemme have a bite" "nope! Ask those gaurds of yours! Oh ask that one gaurd who keeps staring at you all the time" for the past week ive been noticing this one gaurd, he keeps staring at kim. Like hes a damn meal or what? Get your eyes away from my meal "oh cmon you're just being paranoid" how dare he? paranoid my ass. "Oh please, get off me" pushing him to the side of the bed, I continued munching on the ice cream while watching the horror movie we chose.

"That's so mean" kim mumbled but eventually hugged my waist laying his head on my chest while watching the movie. He acts like a child I swear. But who can say anything? He's adorable this way. But that didn't last long. Cause the next time I looked at kim, he was asleep on my chest. His cheeks slightly puffed up, eyelashes looking so perfect, those cherry red lips moving at times a little while his hands wrapped around me. Gosh he was perfect. Just the way he looked like a god while sleeping. The sound and jump scares from the movie weren't existent anymore. It was just his soft breathing and random hum noises he would make. He probably felt pretty babied laying on my chest that way with my hand tangled up in his hair. This moment felt so soft and real. Making me realise my happiness lies no where but in his arms.

A little chapter showing a side of chay that is new ~

Hope you liked it!

Thanks for reading! ♡♡♡

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