9. ....secrets out....

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I know I know. I'm sorry for a late and a short update. I'm just a little caught up but dont worry! Another chapter on your way!

Enjoy :)


Porchay's POV

A rainy, stormy morning came into my view while I was standing near the window in the room. So pretty, I love rains. Simple cause it's a beautiful sight. Plants get natural water, the earth gets a whole bath and the gray sky is just so pretty! Don't you think so? "When did you wake up?" feeling two arms being wrapped around my waist brought a smile to my face. It's my one and only. My arms hugged his as I leaned my back to his chest "10 minutes ago maybe" I replied and I can tell he probably still has his eyes closed sleepily, resting his chin on my shoulder "hm.. " he hummed and kissed my cheek "you like rain?" He's so observant ugh "yea, it's pretty" his hand was gently caressing my waist, making me feel loved and calm.

"It is.." His voice suddenly sounded sad making me turn my head and peek at his gorgeous face "what is it P'kim?"  "Huh?"  "Your face, you look sad" my body slowly turned to face him and held his waist "did something happen on rainy days?" It wasn't that i wanted to push him to tell me, but i wanna know about kim too. His past, his feelings and his emotions. "Don't say nothing, your face says it all"  he let out a sigh and hugged me slowly "our mom passed away years ago, on a rainy day someone shot her" I couldn't believe my ears. "S-shot?!"  "Yea.. It was an attack, dad was out and gaurds were all done for, mom protected us making us run away" my heart aches, he had so much pain. He probably lost his mom when he was so young "she's a brave woman then isn't she?" My hand reached for his hair, gently caressing his head

"She was, kinn said she was the bravest woman he saw" he said and looked at me, smiling "our moms were close too" he caressed my cheek "really?"  "Yea, of course silly" oh yea she would be the sister in law "I'm sure they were" I chuckled and rub his back "she must be proud of you three for growing so well"  "yea but except one that's crazy" he chuckled making me chuckle and shake my head "he's your brother, he cares for youu"  he nodded and leaned down pecking my lips "chay, I have to go back to the apartment today. Have to do some music work"  "oh.." That made me sad. It's true I just wanna be with him all day long "can I come there too please??"

His face shows his thinking, it's just your house kim cmon "alright but don't be too surprised if you see stuff there" I'm sure he has some stuff there "alright"

"Next thing, we were walking inside kim's house. The first thing that i thought when I saw it was beautiful. The house colours are slightly brighter than his room which shows the contrast he has in himself, sometimes dark sometimes light. There was again a big ass picture of himself in the living room " you're so obsessed with yourself phi" my head shook as I walked closer to the picture. If I had a face like that id be obsessed too. He slowly walked beside the picture and slid it, finally revealing his investigation "the fuc-"  "this is my investigations so far.. " he said. There are pictures and notes. Wow he's really smart to figure out shit like this "what is the conclusion?"

"..."  "Kim what is the conclusion?" Looking at him a little seriously, I know I might be pushing him but still "my dad is probably the one who killed your dad and the reason why your mom is the way she is.. "


A short update! Is chay gonna team up with kim now? Hmm lemme know your views on this power couple

Hope you liked it!

Thanks for reading! ♡♡♡

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