16. ....makeover....

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I know the updates are a little bit slow but I'm trying my best I promise - my apologies

Enjoy :)


Porchay's POV

"Wh-who are you?" A soft whimper left my mouth while the grip of those long, strong hands remained on my jaw, probably leaving a mark "porchay.. damn you're really pretty like they say" he whispered "they"? Who the hell is spying on me now " I asked a question" his hands that was holding both my hands above my head seemed to hold my wrists tighter making me groan "porchay, what if I want you? what would you do with a guy like Kim? he's not worth it trust me, he's not worth using any thing in this family" this son of a fucking garbage can. This is enough, my knee suddenly stabbed him in his crotch making him groan loudly and finally his grip is loosened. Taking the chance, I pushed him away and grabbed his hair harshly, punching his cheek harshly so he falls on the ground.

Low groans left his mouth as he held his bruised cheek while laying on the ground "don't you dare say a thing about Kim with that dirty mouth of yours, you can't compare" "oh cmon you really know nothing? Shit that korn and his son are deceiving you so damn well" he said and got up, setting himself and looked at me, trying to act like he can actually stand and walk. But that made me notice the ring in his finger, it's so broad and has a snake ? I don't even know what that animal is. "I'm gonna make you mine" he said and limped to the door "in your dreams jerk" with that the door closed. The fuck was that? What does he mean they're deceiving me..? I can't trust anyone, I need to investigate it myself now or I won't be able to get answers.

Kim's POV

"Dad really?" Sometimes understanding my own dad is so hard "why would you want to hurt chay that way?" Investigating on who kidnapped chay, it turned out dad was the one who sent those guys. Never.. Never in this life would I understand how dad does work "I was just checking his skills, but they hurt you too, so I punished them" he smiled "dad.. Let's stop involving chay now" "I'm not trying to Kim, but our enemies will. You guys brought him into this world so now I have to save him" I don't know what is he thinking.. "So you will let him train? And keep testing him? That poor boy-" "I think you should come back to your original form Kim" he kept the file away and looked at me "stop thinking about people and focus on what we were doing, you need a solid support in your condition"  "I don't think that can happen anymore dad" getting up, I made my way out of the office.

Focus on what we were doing? My whole focus is shifted to just one guy now, that one that makes me feel alive and makes me feel loved. First, power was probably the only treasure for me, but something overpowered the greed of being the best, and it was his love. The love that was pure and warm, it was just there when I needed it. And now even if I have to give up power or myself, I wanna hang onto this last branch in our tree we sow together, just so I can hug him once more.

"Chay-" where is he? My face frowned as I walked to the desk in front of me, picking the little note from the side on the books
>sorry phi, your brother just took me to shopping :( I'll come home soon<
Ugh tankhun! He's really crazy at times. Well what can I do? Get to work I guess.

It's almost 9 and finally the car parked. Four men got out but i don't see chay anywhere, I just see a new guy maybe? Blond hair? Sleeveless shirt and blue jeans. Dude got taste. But where is chay?
My legs themselves went downstairs to the door and I can swear to God that the scene infront of me will forever be engraved in my mind.

"Phi-"  "khun Kim! Look at him! He looks good doesn't he?" Pete said, his voice hinting the teasing "the fu-"  "we just gave him a makeover kim" tankhun said proudly and looked at chay. Slowly the lip piercing on the side of his lip came into view. Fuck- he looks hot. How would it feel to pull onto that piercin- woah kim calm down. This is the first time I've really felt so weird in my stomach and on my cheeks. Chay gosh, that blonde and look on him, I knew he became an adult and now he's gonna be 21 soon but damn it. My whole body felt it. He has grown into a fine man

"Come here" without thinking twice, my hand wrapped around his wrist while I pulled him up to the room. Porchay pitchaya kittisawad, you're done for today.


Oooh porchay with a new look ~ got the inspo from of course chay's makeover in series and also the fanmeet outfit he had -

What do you think korn and Kim are doing? And who was the guy who visited chay?

Hope you liked it!

Thanks for reading! ♡♡♡

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