10. ....new discoveries....

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Chapter 10 here!!

It's a little short cause I'm suffering a writer's block - lol what a professional word to use :/ but yea I'm gonna write more soon!

Another chapter your way soon!

Enjoy :)


Kim's POV

This room never felt this full and lovely. Crazy how just that one person makes your life so much better. Although he's sitting in front of me on the couch, drawing some random cartoons or whatever, it's just his presence that makes me feel loved and happy "P'kim" he called me making me look up at him from my music notes "yes?"  "I'm kinda hungry.. " he said keeping his book away "ah.. " now that i think of it, I have nothing but cup noodles- "ah.. I didn't go grocery shopping chay, so we just have cup noodles, you okay with it?" That was a weird lie but "more like you're too lazy to cook" he chuckled calling me out and walked outside "keep working! I'll cook and bring them" how does he know me so well though. Is this how couples are? They can tell just by face when someone is lying? If it is... It's kinda cute yet scary.

Porchay's POV

Getting out of kim's room, I made sure to close the door before walking to the picture sliding it slowly, checking everything. Sometimes I can't believe kim is my boyfriend and he did all this, our story is twisted, cause I'm gonna do the same he did to me. Sliding it back, I made my way to the kitchen and put the water on boil, taking out two cup noodles. The original flavours is the best option.

My brain just can't get it off, so I had to made my way to kim's bedroom. I know he didn't take me yet, but still.. I need to know what I can. I don't know who to trust, khun korn Or kim? It's just.. Ugh.
My eyes roamed around his room. So minimalistic and pretty, it's done well. There's a gray bed, the walls gray and alot of music stuff again. His choice is hella good, I mean look at me.
My eyes went to a drawer, making me open it slowly and take out the yellow envelope there "what's this.." I mumbled and pulled out the documents "contract for land in Japan under theerapanyakuls"  "given to kim kimhan.."  Kim got a land from his dad? Japan? Isn't kinn incharge for all Japan, so what is this land kim got? And.. Why?

But to my surprise, kim was actually incharge of alot of stuff. Alot of illegal businesses too and he was in the background making decisions, what is happening. What is his dad doing? Survival of the fittest or what? The fuck.

Suddenly a loud sound was heard outside. Fuck! Keeping everything back, I gently opened the door peeking out. There's no one. Slowly walking out, I walked to kim's room and opened it looking around, seeing him not there "kim..?" A wave of panic ran through my body as I ran around the whole house like crazy "P'KIM!!!!" I shouted and saw him come out of a random room "yea?.. Chay? What happened" he rushed to me and pulled me in his warm embrace, seeing my worried look "where were you?" I asked and hugged him tightly, a sense of relief rushing through. I thought something happened "I was just looking for some notes love" he looked at me "what happened?"  "Nothing I.. I just heard something"  "what?"  "A thud or some loud noise.."  "It was me chay, I dropped something" he whispered and rubbed my back. He doesn't know how much he comforts me.

Our moment was disturbed by the sound of the electric kettle telling us that the water is boiled "I'll go and make noodles" walking towards the kitchen, I picked the kettle and poured water into the noodles, feeling a soft hug from behind making me smile. Covering the noodles, my hands hugged his "chay, do you.." He seems to hesitate "yea?"
"wanna move in with me?"


A short one again I know we
I'll try writing long ones once I have more time!
I have taken scenes from novel and drama, credits to the creative minds : daemi and be on cloud :)

Hope you liked it!

Thanks for reading! ♡♡♡

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