8. ....it begins....

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Hello hello
Chapter 8 here!

A short one :)

Enjoy :)


Porchay's POV 

"Kim..~" a whimper left my mouth when I felt Kim kiss my neck. We're in the freaking shooting area can you not right now? "Kim someone might come stop" a whisper left my lips. This idiot doesn't seem to care about the fact that we cant just stand and kiss anywhere like my brother and his boyfriend "kimmm" my hands gently pushed him away as he smiled "alright, I'll save it for night"  "not tonight though" I said quickly and picked the gun again "but why?" Really why? You just fucked me not even 20 hours ago "cause I promised your biggest brother to watch a movie with him" that was a little lie I made there. I had to go somewhere but I really can't tell Kim about it yet "ugh him again" he said and pat my head gently "if he annoys you too much, come to me okay?" He smiled, making me smile too.

Staying close to Kim made me realise that he's not a cold ass, he just shows him emotions to certain people. And I'm glad I'm one of those "alright".
We continued the practice for a few hours and now Kim was serious about it. He looked hot- but no that's not the point. The point is I did learn the basics to hold a gun and shoot, it ain't hard on a metal target but on a damn person I can never. I wonder if Hia ever shot someone... Of course he did chay.. He's the head of a family now.

I'm still not used to this new identity of being the so called nephew of kim's dad and Hia being the head of the minor family. It always stayed in the back of my mind as to why would khun korn make hia the head. Not that I don't trust his abilities but just... You had Kim and Vegas could also take over, macau despite being young is sometimes smart too, but over all of those, he chose hia. Doesn't it sound weird? To me it's the weirdest.

" chay" the voice called out as I felt a towel on my face, Kim cleaning off the sweat for me gently "what are you thinking?" He asked and set my hair softly while we sat at the chairs in the shooting room "nothing really" a smile came to my face while I watched him. While a sudden rush of guilt came too "P'kim" he looked at me and hummed "if one day.. you had to shoot me.. would you do it?" I can see he's scared to even hear that question. I mean who won't be, it's a weird question to ask chay "I'll shoot myself instead"
My heart skipped a beat hearing those words. Why would you do that for me Kim "you can't do that"  "I can't shoot you chay, stop asking stupid questions" like he read my mind "then save both of us phi" I didn't know why I was tearing up asking these questions "I will save us then" he hugged me softly and rubbed my back "chay nothing is gonna happen, shhh now" he whispered and kissed my cheek.


3rd person POV

"Got the information?"  "Yes sir, his name is Porchay. Son of the kittisawad's. Right now he lives in the mansion with his brother porche"

"Porchay.. " the man wearing a black suit looked at the picture of porchay in front of him "so you're saying he's gonna be the leader? this little boy?" 

"That's what the mole informed sir"

"Interesting korn, lets see how this one survives"


It's starting :)

Hope you liked it!

Thanks for reading! ♡♡♡

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