29. ....dilemma....

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Hello! Chapter 29 here!

My apologies cause this chapter might not be the best. I'm not confident in writing action stuff like I told y'all before but I try my best!

Enjoy :)


[2 days ago]

Porchay's POV

"So you want us to attack the major family? just cause they didn't accept the deals?" The man asked, his expression not being so pleasant or soft in any form. The cigarette in his hand was gently placed down in the ashtray, his beautiful blue orbs staring at the two man standing in front of him "I think we made ourselves very very clear" Vegas said, his tone showing the annoyance cause of course he doesn't wanna repeat himself does he now? "Why would we-" "I'm gonna cut you the chase. Your son is with us, locked up somewhere you can't find. If you want him safe just do it" a loud sigh was heard. next the Italian leader finally got up. Everyone knew how much he cherished his one and only son who would continue his legacy, so it was the perfect plan to have him captive " alright, you just want us to attack the major family in about two days is that right?" He asked and rose an eyebrow, suspicious of what was happening "we also don't want you or your people telling anyone about what happened here. We want you to stay shut about it. Is it clear?* Vegas said, him moving closer to the man, bending down and wrapping an arm around his shoulder " just stay quiet and do as we say, you'll get all the required drugs from me too. It's a win win right?"


"Are you sure you wanna do this porchay?" The voice pulled me out of the melancholic thoughts in my brain "sure about what?" I asked, not facing the man beside me while just playing with the gun in my hands, spinning it randomly "if you attack them and someone in the family knows, what are you gonna do then?" "I don't care, the only mission would be to destroy what korn made. He destroyed my whole life, my family and everything" "and what if he knows you just used him for information?" "I never used kim. I do love him" "but if he knows you did this all to kill his dad-" "his dad killed mine phi Vegas..It was his dad's fault in everything" a loud sigh halted the conversations. Indeed, this was gonna be bad. If people knew we attacked the major family undercover like this, we have no idea how people will accept it. Our fate is probably this. Me and kim probably shouldn't be together. It's the best for us maybe..


"All check?" "Check sir." " Everyone take positions" eyeing through the camera in the car, seeing how the major family is still working just as peacefully yet elegantly. "Team 1 go in, create the chaos"

And here we go

When all the teams went in, major family's bodygaurds came in and the war started. Blood, gunshots and the sight of loosing the bodygaurds. But anyways they belong to the italians and not us so who cares.

"Chay, get in now. I'll keep a check here" Vegas informed through the earplugs while I put my mask up. The bodygaurds were strictly instructed to not shoot any of our bodygaurds, especially pete cause his husband is probably take their eye out if anyone does.

Getting off the van, my eyes landed on kim. Who the hell called him? Why did you have to come home at the worse times. He was fighting, so smooth and quick just like his brain. His moves showed his witness and partial narcissism that he had. He never failed to impress me. He fought 7 men at once but he didn't even get a scratch, just like in the club. "Chay this isn't the time to admire him. Go inside it's all clear now! He's on the top floor in the safe room" Vegas had to snap me out of admiring or maybe drooling over kim. So I make my way to the lift, getting in before anyone notices and press the buttons going up.

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