15. ....my boyfriend....

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Hello! Chapter 15 up!

My updates is probably gonna be once a day Or sometimes twice cause I'm out travelling so-

I'll try my best to update!

Enjoy :)


3rd person's POV

"So the major family is training him?"

"Yes sir, seems like that, he's pretty strong when he punched the guy"

"They're ruining his innocence ugh" a hand caressed on the photo in front of him, touching the innocent face of chay "my beautiful darling, lemme save you from this world ~"


Porchay's POV

"Call me once you're done and I'll meet you again" p'kim said, kissing my head in front the whole fucking campus. Of course he wanted everyone to know whose I was now since I transferred to his uni, but this is freaking embarrassing. He pulled me in his embrace, letting me take that strong deo scent once again before we pulled away smiling "I will phi, you go as well" saying that, I made my way to the new class. New friends new people, it's intimidating but I'm too excited. Wonder if someone wants to be friends with me.

Sitting at the middle row, my eyes roamed around the class. This uni indeed has a vibe, a vibe of rich people. The infrastructure is amazing and so is the kid's fashions . Now I feel unfit here, but that was until two girls approached me "hey!you new here right?" One of them asked having the warmest smile on her face "yea I am, I'm Porchay" a smile came to my face as well, they're so sweet "I'm Mia and she's my friend Lia" I chuckled "even the names match huh" she chuckled "well that's one of the reasons we're friends" they smiled "you transferred mid sem though?" I know it might sound so weird, cause who the hell transfers mid semester in 2nd year "yea well, we had some situations" I replied hesitantly "oh well doesn't matter, you'll have fun here" lia smiled "later wanna grab a meal together?" "Sure sounds good!"

The classes went decent, I'm just glad I can understand the curriculum here as well, or kim would have to help and that help would turn to something else as we all know. Now I'm making way to canteen with mia and lia. I'm surprised I already made friends but it's good, no one has to worry about me now "chay" the deep voice called from behind, making me turn to it, seeing the love of my life "phi.." He walked to me and smiled "done with classes?" He asked and instantly tucked some hair behind my ear, gosh this is embarrassing "yea I am" a soft whisper left my lips, which were soon pecked by the other. Gosh I feel the stares "great, lets eat together. these are your friends?" His eyes went on to mia and lia, who were equally surprised like others "oh yea, they are in my class, this is lia, and this is mia" they both instantly greeted him "ah nice to see you guys, I'm wik. You guys come too" he smiled holding my hand "really?Thank you senior" now we all were walking. Honestly walking with kim does give a different vibe, he's like a star here. Everyone's staring at us and our hands, but probably I should get used to this? Right?

"What do you want chay?" Kim asked showing me the menu "ah.. Maybe a sandwich would do" smiles "what will you have p'k- p'wik" gosh the names are confusing me "I'll have the same, and you two?" Kim asked everyone about the orders and got up to go bring them. Mia and lia both turned to me instantly "he's your boyfriend?!" They both shouted "oh wow so in sync damn-" "answer chay, is he?" "Y-yea- i mean yea kinda yes-" fuck you Kim, you really made me stuck here. The rest of the time i was thrown all types of questions. About how we got together and stuff.

"You shouldn't have done that" the complaint finally left my mouth with a whine while holding kim's hand, sitting in his car while he drove us home "everyone needs to know you're taken" gosh him and his jealousy "no one will take me phi, I'm not that pretty" he remained silent on that "will you stay over?" My eyes went to his face. His side profile and serious face while he drove, fuck he's perfect "today?" He thought of it for a second "alright I will" his eyes slightly glance at me and smiled before going onto the roads again "yes!"

Walking inside the house,our hands parted and the atmosphere wasn't the best. Kim stopped a gaurd and asked "what's going on?" "The Italian dealer dan is coming today, we're preparing khun Kim" he informed, oh so they have a meeting "will you be busy then?" My eyes looked at Kim sadly "probably, it won't take long at all baby" he smiled and kissed my head gently "alright, I'll go and change in my room" as soon as I was gonna leave, he stopped me turning me around "in my room hun, wear my clothes and stay there" he whispered quickly before walking away. Ugh Kim! You beautiful assh*le.

Changing into kim's shirt and shorts, I made my way to his desk and took out my books. Yes I have to study, cause when Kim comes he won't let me do shit so lets finish this. Taking out my pens, I started doing the homework assigned while putting some soft music. It's so aesthetic and calm.

I didn't realise someone come in the room until a voice spoke making me jump a little

"So this is where you were hidden this whole time? you both are this close? to share rooms and clothes too?"


Ooh it's getting spicy ~

Hope you liked it!

Thanks for reading! ♡♡♡

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