Chapter 1 - The Meeting

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Garmadon slowly trudged down the steps of the monastery with Wu's hat in hand, 'Damn it Wu' he thought to himself. His brother and snatched his helmet and replaced it with his own stupid hat, like that was going to cut it for the darklord. He walked sulkily while he made his way to a nearby forest to further plot his rise to power.

It had been a short span of time since the oni invasion and the warlord was feeling.. Weird. He had a rough dream the previous night although he had not expected to effect him this way, he was fighting himself... 'Unusual' his thoughts echoed in his head.

He had made his way down to the lake he had made himself familiar with and was now spear fishing for food (as per his new usual) but stopped in his tracks when he felt a pair of eyes burning in the back of his head. He snapped around, weapon in hand to see a teenager staring at him, just an average teen but yet he found one thing stood out to him, she wore one of the many uniforms that the SOG wore.

"Who are you..." he growled in a low tone while the teen smiled nervously, she quickly brushed her brown hair from the face but made no reply. "I'll ask you again, who. are. you." Garmadon's voice roared.

The teen sighed internally and slowly replied in a calm and clear manner. "My lord, my name is Livvian. I am a mechanic for the Sons of Garmadon" she shifted on the spot uncomfortably as he took her words into account.

"a member of the Sons of Garmadon, yet you have not been apprehended by the police, curious." he paused for a minute to catch his breath before continuing. "I though all of the Sons of Garmadon were caught" he snapped slightly, his distrust in the girl growing stronger by the second.

"Most" She corrected him, "Most of, the mojority were arrested, some of us lesser ones were unfound, forgotten, shall I say." she smiled kindly at the darklord that stood before her.

'Interesting' he thought to himself, he lowered his sword and approached Livvian with what felt like superiority. "And what is it that lead you here?" Garmadon's voice rumbled in his damaged chest. "well, I saw you nearby and thought it be best I warn you some people offen make their way down to fish here." the girl's voice remained the same, if she was scared she did not show it.

Garmadon raised his brow slightly but she did not falter "you still have time but I needed to head home and thought it's best to warn you now."she continued her response without hesitation.

"if you like to.. I could bring you some food." Livvian began to suggest only to be cut off Garmadon. "No, I can't trust you. Not after such a short span of time." to which Livvian nodded her head, understanding the logic and reason behind his decision.

"well, if you ever want someone to boss around, boss. He's the address and place to find me if you want." she smiled and left the scene.

"I need to relocate" Garmadon sighed and gathered his things to leave.

Let's Run, Boss - Ninjago AuWhere stories live. Discover now