Chapter 7 - Camouflage

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"Any ideas?" She asked her boss who thought quietly.

"Well, they are aware of your appearance now" he mumbled, she looked at him with a grin and said "I guess I'll have to change it then" she suddenly pulled out her wallet and ran down the road without any warning.

After a while, she returned to the ally with her hair now cut short. It was significantly shorter and looked like the stereotypical fluffy boy hair. She smiled at her boss and pulled out contacts for her eyes. "Green or blue," she rhetorically said while putting in green ones. He just frowned at her as he pulled his own bag onto his shoulder. She copied this act before speaking once more. "Anyway, I've got an idea for a place to go."

It was now the middle of the night, and it was not clear that the police were searching for them, but they were careful not to get caught, mainly due to Garmadon.
They drove down the streets and made another stop in an ally close to a shop for a quick check for supplys that they may have needed. Once Liv was sure she had everything, she went back to Garmadon and rode off out of the city.

They drove for a while but stopped when they arrived at a little village, it was quite nice and quiet. It was lit up with a warm orange glow from lantern light sources that were scattered around the shops and homes. The two drove down the hill towards it to gain a better view of such a seemingly sweet village.

Upon Garmadon's command, the two stopped and walked through the forest, Liv towing her motorbike behind her with the engine shut off but wheels gently rolling after her. Garmadon raised a hand to stop her in their tracks and sniffed the air with suspicious intent. He then lowered his head back down and turned to look at her with a questioning glance.

"Are you sure we should still remain companions during such a time?" The oni asked with a serious tone, and yet Liv's mouth twisted into a smirk. "1) That's sweet of you to call us companions, sir. 2) yes, I can't say I know how to survive in the woods" She smirked at the tall man who copied the action but only inwardly, he wouldn't dare to show such emotion again.
"Fine," He sighed, acting as if he didn't at least care. In all honesty, he didn't really, but she seemed useful.

As the girl and the oddity trudged down to the village, the sky looked brighter and the stars began to fade but Garmadon and Livvian marched on until they arrived.

After a mad dash throughout almost every shop, and scaring children countless times, Garmadon found a shop with more variety, a shop with potential.

"hm. There. This one here. This shall be the place we search." He announced for the fifth-hundredth time.. However, before liv could stop the man, he marched inside and burdened it with his tainting evil.

There was, fortunately, a plus to this. It was almost instantly that Garmadon had his attention caught by a black trenchcoat and immediately pestered the girl to aquire it for him to posses.
"See, there is hope for our future as hidden criminals" He exclaimed loudly, with an air of pride.

"though I admit, I don't understand why you insist upon paying for goods anymore. Its clear we are not citizens of morality." the oni had a point, but Liv had just found the best disguise, (literally nothing but a haircut but we live for plot holes and in universe stupidity... Silence, I am the author, you have no say in this..)

He also got brought a straw hat and gets rid of his helmet, much to his slight disappointment.. Nonetheless.

"Boss, that ain't gonna work," Liv complained, sighing in defeat.
"Yes, it will," He scoffed while placing a hand on his hip in a sassy and prideful manner. Livvian was about to slap a fucker until she rembered who the hell this man was.

"No, no, it. Won't" she groaned in absolute frustration, tired of her bosses antics for once. However, the icy glare she received reminded her of her loyalties, freezing up and nodding frantically..
"Fine! Fine, yep, you're the boss, Boss!" she chuckled, prepared to meet her grave at this rate.

His glare faded and his rage dissapated, happily walking out with his new coat and hat, still holding hie helmet for safe keeping.

Livvian stared on before chasing after him. "Fuck."

Apologies for such a long gap. I'm juggling many books all at once, but if Y'all use Ao3 aswell then I post monthly on there in a different username. :)

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