Room Service

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After a good long night's rest of nothing, Livvian and Garmadon had finally recovered from yesterday's events, leaving them completely ready for a new set of issues and adventures that they would find themselves dragged on.

Liv had an idea to buy herself one of those big cars with plenty of room so the tow could drive comfortably and not risk the dangers of motorbike rides with the embodiment of evil looking over you. So when Garmadon questioned her decision, it only opened up a traumatic flashback to all the times her boss decided he wanted to drive and had attempted to grab the steering and drive them for her. Of course, you can tell they swerved like the road was on fire, Garmadon proved to be a bad driver with a trash truck, and Livvian could only fear the consequences of a boat or plane.

The thought always made her shiver, but she never told her beloved and murderous boss such an insult, so an excuse was in order. "So you may relax while I drive us My lord" Liv lied through her teeth with a grimace. "I know how you like your alone time,"

Garmadon raised his head loftily and made his agreement known, "Yes, I'll allow it," He said while Livvian shot a seething look of fake happiness. However, as she turned around, a sharp intake of breath could be heard while she mimicked the dark Lord in a whiny tone. Even devoted slaves had their limit, and Liv's was her bike.

Garmadon sat on his large bed nobly for a while, but after such a long time of waiting patiently, Garmadon felt as if he should reward himself with entertainment. He turned on the TV, opened soaps and turned all the plug-in sockets to piss Liv off later despite the fact the Girl had her bags packed and with her wherever she went for emergency purposes as she said.

'What emergency was so important that she must mistrust her own boss?' Garmadon could hear his mind ask grumpily while he snooped around the room, looking for something new. The-he saw it. A phone with a note that read 'press one to get food delivered to your room'

And that was all he needed to see. He picked up the phone, and a young woman answered with a gentle voice.

"Hello?" Ugh, Garmadon didn't like the false cheeriness, but that wouldn't be a problem soon enough.
He cleared his throat and ensured his voice would be powerful and clear before speaking in a growl. "Bring me everything."

'Hah!' he thought 'they still know how to respect me'


After finding the perfect vehicle, Liv drove home with her bike stored safely inside the large interior, her phone connected to Bluetooth and blasting her songs away.

She returned to their hotel room only to be confused by the sight of her boss laying down with an eye mask while being pampered like he was king. Plates that were full of food once but are now empty lay across the tables near the TV.

Liv comes back to see Garmadon wearing a face mask and being pampered like a king, dishes scattered around the room, and 3 people, one being the manager.
She says she can't pay, and they get chased out, and they get in the car.

While driving at high speeds, Garmadon is admiring his freshly manicured claws while she's glaring at him with a fiery intensity.

"What?" He asked with an aloof stare."Why are you staring at me the way I stare at you? Eyes on the road, kid." He snapped his fingers and pointed ahead. She mumbled to herself again.
He pats her on the head, and almost all her anger dissipates, but she still seems a little bit peeved at the large oni sitting next to her.

"Why didn't they call the police when they saw you?" She asked
"It appears my disguise isn't as bad as you say." he smirks snarkily while she sighs, a small smile playing at the corners of her mouth.
"Yeah, you're right," she agreed with her own expression matching his with a cheeky smirk plastered on her lips.

She continued driving and driving, wondering where they would find themselves next.

Let's Run, Boss - Ninjago AuWhere stories live. Discover now