Familiar Faces

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Our favourite duo (no I'm talking about Garmadon and Liv) were walking along the busy streets of the outdoor shopping centre of a much smaller part of Ninjago City that wasn't too far off the coast. They drove laps around the city outskirts and a few long miles to shake off some police that followed their tails but lost them halfway through. Liv decided it was best to do some quick browsing in the retail park until they found it safe to return to the hotel room they had rented.

Was it worth it? Yes, well mostly. Garmadon was like a manic child. A child filled with curiosity and chaos that could kill a man for staring too long and yet they ran around the centre like little gremlins high on drugs, Liv of course only running around to keep her boss in check but all was well and good otherwise (if anything it was fun).

Garmadon's cloak couldn't help but be carried in the wind that could be felt as he dashed past customers who stared in confusion as they watched the abnormally tall man and young girl zoomed into shops.

After a long while of this behaviour, our young gang member soon spotted a patrol car from outside in the car park outside the many shops lined up against each other making her panic. She instantly alerted the oni and grabbed his arm, she dragged him into the large toy store she had seen from the corner of her eyes, a happy accident made simply because it was the closest shop for them to run to.

Liv waited for the patrol car to move away from their current place of hiding and pretended to mess with some of the toys on the shelf, occasionally glancing upwards to see if it had moved. "I told you your disguise wouldn't work Garmadon" she hissed but received no reply from the lord.

Not too long after her 6th glance, she noticed the car was gone, giving her the all-clear signal she had anxiously waited for. She turned to inform Garmadon only to find he was no longer by her side and most likely hadn't been for a while. "Garmadon?" she mumbled to no use, he was Garmagone.

Meanwhile, our former warlord had spotted a staff member dressed like a ninja in a blue suit and decided to follow, or for a better description, stalk the man into a large aisle filled with variations of multi-coloured outfits reminiscent of the city's guardians. Fake weapons made from foam-lined the aisle walls, with boxes of toys and plushies that caught the destructor's eye.

Livvian sprinted around the corner and was hit with a wave of relief once she found the seemingly unmissable man standing in front of the stuffed toys with a distant look upon his face, his eyes gleaming with a sort of light igniting behind his pupils.

Against her better judgement, Liv assumed he must have been looking at the green Ninja plushie, allowing her mind to assess the situation. 'Maybe he misses him, Lloyd is his son after all and so he might still feel something for the boy.' she frowned to herself but was cut into reality when she noticed the oni tap her shoulder and say "I want this" in a childish yet demanding voice. However, instead of the green plush, he held the white ninja plush of, the one she recalled to be known as Zane.

Liv smiled at the idiocy of the idea of the Dark Lord actually missing his son and just stared at the plush he held in his hands as if he were merely a child asking its mother.

"I want you to buy me this" he commanded yet again, his words seeming like they could be menacing but to the girl, it just seemed child-like. Liv playfully rolled her eyes and sighed as she forced herself to speak. "What for?" she asked aloofly, hoping to prove that if he hadn't use for such a thing he would put it back but alas he wouldn't rest.

Garmadon stared past her shoulder and then back at her. "It matches my hair," he said blandly. "Seriously?" she asked but his bland look turned into a cold glare that gripped Livvian's soul and sent a chill down her spine and yet all she imagined was him as a child doing this to his father.


It was now late in the evening and the darkness in the sky had grown a considerable amount since the last time liv had done a rain check. The hotel room was once again freshened up with new bedsheets and clean towels for the pair to use after their excessively long showers.

The sound of Liv brushing her teeth could be heard from the bathroom, Garmadon had sat on the double bed in the main part of the large room that had a single bed parked beside it, practically pushed into the very corner to not disrupt Garmadon's pacing space that he used halfway through the night when he got bored of sleeping.

As liv paused to spit into the pristine sink, she couldn't help but overhear the oni quietly speaking to someone. Livvian stopped entirely and pressed her ear against the door to listen.

"You had to learn emotions as well, how did you do it?" Garmadon asked the ice ninja plush with sincere intent, staring at it with wonder. "Having friends is the best way to empower yourself and be the strongest you can be" The plush replied in its automatic button-push way but Garmadon seemed to take its words into actual thought.

Garmadon thought about what else to ask before speaking clearly but with a hushed tone. "How do I get friends?" he asked again but it was at that moment that Liv burst through the bathroom door, toothbrush hanging out her mouth as she yelled "I'll be your friend" though most of her words sounded slurred because of the object she stuck in her mouth.

Garmadon stared at her for a moment before slowly looking her up and down. "You'll do," He said with a grumble, Liv grinned as she turned around but stopped in her tracks when she heard him whisper to the plush "How did you train your friends?"

Liv snapped back around yelling "Excuse me" in an offended tone but the oni took no care to her words.

Now he had a plush that he saw as guidance, and liv would be sure to never let the plush get wrecked or lost in fear of a major tantrum, like a three-year-old but one hundred times worse.

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