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This book will swear!!!!
Dont mind all the many spelling errors, I can't spell and my auto correct is shit

And yes... I do hope yo add survivalshipping in it later on :]

Hello, this is a chaptered book but I may throw in random Oneshots so be sure to not get mixed up. The Oneshots themselves take place in between events and may have info at the start describing when they take place example : takes place between chapter 3 and 4

Requested book about Garmadon can be found in my other books so if you want a request something about just Garmadon that doesn't relate to this au I'm sure you can find it their. :)

Remember that this book is mainly made for me and me alone, Ive just chose to share it so other can enjoy it as well. Bye!

Let's Run, Boss - Ninjago AuWhere stories live. Discover now