Chapter 6 - New Place To Hide

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Livvian woke up to a sound that seemed to resemble discomfort or maybe even pain. Of course Liv jumped to her next course of action with as much speed as a deer when you breath in it's direction. She leaped out of bed and ran down the stairs to where the faint noise originated from.

Garmadon lay down, tossing and turning with his helmet on the floor. His hands clutched the sofa with strong grip, his claws tearing at the soft farbic. Livvian ran over and placed her own hand onto his charcoal coloured forehead, feeling for his temperature.

Sweat seemed to pour off the man as his groaning sounded more pained by every passing minute. Suddenly, he shot awake. His breathing was laboured and eyes wide with shock and horror. His yellow pupils looked towards the girl with a fire intensity that seemed to be fear.


"What happened?" Livvian asked the man who seemed to shake before her very eyes. The steam from coffee cup she had gotten him blew into his face. Garmadon, however, couldn't belive the amount of weakness he had found himself showing this mortal, it upset him to an undesirable extent.

He let his hand go up to the blanket that he had on his shoulders and wrapped around his torso, doubt filled his mind before he his red eyes met Livvian's own brown ones.

"That shadow" Garmadon began "He followed me everywhere. He wouldn't let me go." he continued.

Livvian was about to question him but was interrupted by a knocking at her wooden door, this threw her off because she ahd no friends or outside connections that weren't the SOG.
She slowly walked over to it while Garmadon hid around one of the corner walls.

She opened it up with hesitation that she tried to mask with a false self security. She actually pulled out a black face mask and pulled it over her face while she silently pleaded it not be who she thought it was only for it to be all her fears.
The door opened to show a police officer with a walkie-talkie in hand as she seemed to mumble somthing into it confusing the young gang member.

"Hello officer, what's led you here today?" she asked, perfectly hiding her anxiety within her naturally higher pitched voice. The officer flashed her look of suspicion before proceeding to speak calmly.

"Some of your neighbours keep claiming that you've been displaying activity relating you to being apart of the biker group know as the Sons Of Garmadon." he spoke in a gruff manner and tried to mask his own insecuritys with failure. "No, I can assure you I'm not one of them" she claimed calmly. The officer ignored that and asked her to let him look around while Garmadon dashed silently to a better hiding spot.

The officer was welcomed to look around to his heart's content. He searched some cabinets and other compartments that could be a hiding spot for suspicious behaviour. Eventually he went to inspect the large cupboard on the other side of the kitchen and that when Livvian made a move. She shoves the man and locked the cupboard door and pushed the table and chairs against it, Garmadon quickly moved the sofa in front of the main door and watched as she flashed him a thumbs up.

She grabbed a bag and ran to the back door, ignoring the loud banging from the cupboard door. She quickly nabbed a knife and pan from the drawers and passed another bag to Garmadon who confusingly placed it onto his back and followed his follower.

Livvian jumped into her moterbike and allowed Garmadon to cover himself with the cloak that Livvian had gifted while he pieced everything together before driving off at legal speeds but yet a speed she could easily increase at her own wish.

Siren wails could be heard from far off and they could only assume he had called for backup to help deal with the "weak nasty girl that pushed him into a cupboard because he was stupid enough to turn his back on the suspected criminal" as Liv described it, making Garmadon's upper lip rise without it being too noticeable.

She pulled away into an alley after a while of driving aimlessly around the city. "Yeah, thought this would happen soon" she sighed while scrolling through social media, she saw small articles about another Sons Of Garmadon member being found and all basic appearance details about her being noted but half of her face was undescribable due to the mask she wore when talking to the officer. 'Smart' Garmadon thought to himself while he leaned over her shoulder to observe the posts and articles about her.

"Welp, well just move outside the city. How 'bout that boss?" she raised her brow at the larger man who loomed over shoulder. "Hm?" he hummed a question before she repeated her statement without anger or frustration.
"How about we get a new place to hide?"

Let's Run, Boss - Ninjago AuWhere stories live. Discover now