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"Girl!" Garmadon roared from the upstairs of house, making the teenager pause her daily consumption of breakfast at 5.30 in the morning. God she should be thankful she lived in a detached house or the neighbours would have ratted her out by now, or at least made a noise complaint atleast.

"You will help me regain my control over my powers!" he decarled while storming down the stairs to stare her in the eyes to show authority over the puny SOG member. 'Guess he finnaly admits to it. His powers are faulty' she smirked to herself.
"Are you laughing at me!?" he snarled
"Eheh-no" she giggled worriedly, fully aware that he could kill her with or without powers; he was physically stronger by a mile.

"Even if I am without power- I can and will destroy you if you do not conform to my commands." the man growled, he was now only a few centimetres away from the girl's face with his mouth twisted into a snarl. She simply grinned at her former boss with a smugness he could only describe as demeaning. 'She's underestimating me! How dare she-'

"Mark my words girl- you'll regret that later when I get my powers back on my own!" he stormed off in a huff the way a child would sulk leaving Liv the chance to breath.
She exhaled and laughed to herself 'I'm still alive!!' she grinned and stood up to clean up her bowl, she thought back to something she saw on her phone giving her the idea she needed. ..

It was now early noon and she returned from her usual quick trip to the market for any bits-and-bobs she might find but today she had a weapon of immense power. A power so strong it would make even the great Lord Garmadon fear her.

She pulled out the bright pink bottle bubbles that she remembered seeing her younger cousins play with when they were 5. She also pulled out a plastic, yellow star shaped fairy wand and put it in her pocket.

She hoped into the kitchen, setting her newly found equipment down onto the table. She was practically vibrating with uncontainable excitement.

"what is all this?" Garmadon's usually dreery tone asked curiously as he titled his head inquisitively from his position across the table, waiting for impatiently for her to serve him food. Liv looked up with the best straight face she could force herself to pull before carefully crafting a response.

"this is a weapon of immense power that could kill even you..." she began as she reached across for the bubbles, holding them tightly in her hand whilst holding an incredibly tense eye contact with the dark Lord.
She twisted the lid off and pulled the stick off from the side of the container, she gingerly dipped it in and out and then blew a fairly large bubble towards Garmadon. "if you touch it- it will explode!" she continued making the warlord tense up. "you're lying" he snarled.

Livvian pulled a perfectly evil smile as she stared him directly in the eyes, "wanna find out, mah Lord?" she teased. She quickly blew more bubbles at him causing him to push himself away from the table, his chair smashing against the cluttered floor. Scrambling desperately on all six, Garmadon raced his way to the wall, pushing himself against like a cat rearing to attack.

In a pure twist of fate, Livvian popped the bubble with the yellow fairy wand mentioned earlier, she then proceeded to remove all bubbles from the atmosphere while Garmadon relaxed slightly but did not let out his behaviour.

"this wand-" she began once again in the very same stone cold tone as before "is the only thing that can destroy the bubbles, understand?"
"yes, I do" He growled reluctantly.

A few hours later of Liv threatening to kill him with completely harmless bubbles and Garmadon heard Liv head to sleep town. He snuck into her room and retrieved the wand from her jacket pocket and silently returned to the sofa to sleep himself.

The early morning soon came around and Garmadon was quick to jump to the occasion. "Head my warning Girl! Your pathetic threats and foolish antics are no longer any concern to me- I have your ultimate weapon, your golden-star-stick!" he proudly announced while holding the wand in the air jubilantly, as if to make a point.

"It seems I am no longer any match to your power my lord, please spare me..." she sarcastically begged before pulling out the bubbles and blowing as many as she possibly could. The current shinenigans soon evolved into a war, a war of Garmadon popping every bubble out of existence and liv running out of breath.

Although he had won when he found that the bubbles didn't effect her, she had won the fact he still considered the bubbles to be dangerous- 'maybe the caster of the weapon can't be effected by its explosive abilities'

"wooo that was a good fight!" liv cried out while stretching her limbs slightly, "right, I'm heading to the Market, see ya!"

'yeah, maybe' this human confused him, but he found he had to rely on her for assistance during his issue. "Why would I want to see the person who threatened my life" he scoffed as the door closed.

Scolding her inwardly he prowled down into the hall. As he passed by the mirror, in the corner of his eye, he caught a strange phenomenon; the corner of his mouth was uplifted slightly but he paid no mind to it and started to walk up the creaking stairs.

As he walked, he looked down at the yellow wand and pushed the plastic tool into his pocket. 'for safe keeping' he thought.

Let's Run, Boss - Ninjago AuWhere stories live. Discover now