Chapter 4 - That's A Problem

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Garmadon looked down at his hand and tried to use his powers, he forced every ounce of strength he could muster up and tried to use it to conjure his powers in a form of a small flame. But alas, it was weak and flickered and then faded as if blown out by a gentle breeze.

As if the situation wasn't as stressful as it already was, now he figured his powers truly weren't working. They struggled to work before, such as in hunting, but now they just wouldn't even spark. Damn it was rough, he grew reliant on them and now they weren't doing shit.

He looked towards the living room doorway to see a little blue light in the kitchen. Garmadon crouched down low and slowly made his way to the door to ensure it was his new found roommate and not some random intruder. He made a leap from the door way when he noticed a shadow in the kitchen window behind the much smaller silhouette that stood before him holding the blue light.

He once again tried to use his powers, hoping the thought of a fight would trigger them into action but once again nothing. He looked at his hands with annoyance before looking back at the window to see it moved.

The oni directed his attention to the shorter person who stood in front of him with a light. She moved to the light switch and flicked it, bathing the both of them with an orange light and turned off the blue one that previously lit the room with its own bruised hue.

"Sup" Liv said seeming starstruck before cracking into a smile. "Want breakfast?"
She made her companion some food while he reflected on his latest issue. He flexed his hand and forced his powers to respond and yet still no response. 'That's a problem' he grumpily though to himself.

Let's Run, Boss - Ninjago AuWhere stories live. Discover now