Chapter 2: Family Lost (Black Widow)

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A snarl sounded as a lioness surged forward with a small bundle of fur clamped firmly in her jaws. She ducked by a facility and pushed herself to it, begging that her golden pelt blended in with the undergrowth. She lowered her head and let down the bundle of fur. The little creature whimpered in fear.

"You must be quiet, little one," murmured the lioness gently as her ears flicked upward so she could hear everything that was happening around her.

The cub's eyes widened. "What's going on, mama," wondered the cub as she rose to her paws.

Her mother pushed her back against the cold building. "It's nothing, Meda but you have to be quiet and stay right here. Don't move no matter what!"

Meda cowered back against the wall, allowing the leaves to cover her golden fur. Her green eyes glowed and she shook where she stood. "Why are we doing this, mama? What's going on?!"

"Hush," snapped the lioness with her eyes lighting in fear and concern. "You just need to stay here no matter what, understand?" There was a sudden huffing noise and the lioness's ears plastered against her head. "Understand?!"

Meda lifted her head no nodded. "Yes, I understand."

The lioness gulped before she nodded. "Good." She lowered her head and licked her daughter between the ears. "I love you and I'll always be with you, even if you can't see me."

"Mama, where are you going," cried Meda, despite herself.

Before Meda could protest the lioness stalked forward, her muscles rippling. She stalked into the open and she made sure that she stood strong as a large male lion came prowling through the trees. He opened his mouth with saliva dripping from his fangs. His tail lashed between his legs and claws protruded from his massive claws.

"Naviena, I didn't expect to see this close to humans," growled the male lion calmly and with a silkiness to his voice that made Naviena quiver.

Naviena lowered her head a bit so she didn't have to look at him. "I had no choice, Enthrear. It's not safe in the pride with a cub, especially a female."

Enthrear bared his teeth. "Are you afraid she won't serve her purpose like you," he roared as he slammed a paw on the ground and Naviena felt the earth quake a bit.

Naviena shook her head madly. "Never! I have served my purpose. I have hunted for my pride for seasons and then I have given birth to a wonderful cub. I just can't have her there with you prowling the territory like you own it!"

Enthrear chuckled and his mane swayed. "I do own the territory, mind you. I've kept you safe from those who would want you dead."

"Not anymore," reported Naviena as her shoulders tensed. "I'm going to live here, with Meda, away from everyone else of the pride. They can't know that I gave birth or that I got pregnant in the first place."

Enthrear licked his lips hungrily. "You're right, they can't know." He suddenly leaped in the air, his massive paws extended and his mouth open wide. Naviena dodged and surged forward, swiping her claws and slicing it through Enthrear's ear. He roared in pain as blood began to just ooze down his face and into his one eye. He shook his head before charging again.

He sunk his claws into Naviena's hindquarters and forced her backwards. Naviena cried in agony and Meda couldn't help but stick her head out. She saw her mother roll sideways and kick Enthrear away. Enthrear just lunged again, this time sinking his teeth into the back of Naviena's neck. Naviena gasped a bit as he pushed his full weight on her and brought her to the ground.

"Mama," wailed Meda but Naviena warned her back with a wavering and weak paw. Meda did as she was told but she wasn't happy about it. Her mother was suffering and the only thing she could do was watch, just watch!

"Look where we are now," panted Enthrear as blood began to drip onto Naviena's head. "You're here, alone, and I'm about to kill you and no one will know."

Naviena turned her neck and looked to the sky. "They'll know. The spirits. They'll know what you did and they'll make you pay," she spat angrily.

Enthrear shrugged. "I'll take my chances." He suddenly lunged forward and sunk his teeth into Naviena's throat. Naviena let out a gasp as he nipped the life giving artery. With that her whole body went limp and she began to bleed out onto the grass.

Every bone in Meda's body begged her to charge forward but she stopped herself. She knew that she was no match for Enthrear. If he could kill her mother then he could certainly kill her.

Enthrear lifted his head and hissed over to the bushes where Meda was hiding. "I'll be back, Meda. Don't think that killing your mother was the end. I won't stop until every traitor is killed." Blood now dripped from his teeth, Naviena's blood dripped from his teeth.

He lapped it up before he turned and prowled back into the forest. Once he was gone Meda surged forward and touched her nose to her mother's cheek. "Mother," wailed Meda as she continued to lick her mother's nose. "Please! Wake up. Don't leave me."

She knew that her mother was dead and there was nothing she could do about it. She hung her head and clustered under her mother's paw. Tears streamed down her face and she sobbed for a while until she looked toward the building. Her mother must have brought her here for a reason.

She rose to her paws and strode toward the building. She sat down and looked up at the door. She reared on her hind legs and pressed her paws against the door. It creaked a bit and she heard someone coming forward. She took a step back and shook her head as the door opened.

She saw a girl. She had bright red hair and pretty eyes. Meda took a step back, fear showing in her eyes. Was this the place she was meant to be?

The girl lowered down and stretched out a hand. Meda took a step forward and touched her nose to the girl's hand. She then darted back, wondering if the girl was going to hurt her. To her relief the girl took a step forward and scratched her between the ears, almost like her mother had done when grooming her.

"Hi," whispered the girl as she tickled Meda under her chin. "I'm Natasha."

Meda licked the girl's finger. Natasha laughed before she placed her delicate fingers under Meda's underbelly. She lifted her up and carried her gently. It wasn't like her mother but it was alright.

"I'm going to name you-"

Meda liked the name that her mother had named her. She didn't want anyone to change her name. She enjoyed it a lot and now that her mother was dead it meant even more to her.

Before Natasha could finish an older lady strode forward. She frowned as she looked at Meda. "What do you have there," asked the women in a deep tone.

Natasha held Meda close. "It's a kitten. She isn't hurting anyone. Please don't take her away!"

The women smiled a bit before she took Meda from Natasha. "I just want to make sure that she's feeling okay and that she doesn't have any fleas. I'll give her right back."

Natasha frowned but eventually she nodded. "Okay. But don't hurt her!"

The lady held Meda a lot rougher than Natasha had and Meda didn't like it at all. "I promise that I won't." Once she had Natasha convinced she strode forward quickly with Meda bouncing a bit. Meda whimpered and her claws extended a bit as she tried to wriggle her way out.

The women just held her tighter and led her into a red room. After that Meda could never had guessed what would have to happen next.

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