Chapter 17: Actually Talking (Hawkeye)

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Fulvus flew in the air around the base. He had finally convinced Clint to allow him to explore the territory around the base outside by himself. Clint had always came and made sure that he stayed by him. However, Clint was in a meeting with Coulson and Fury so Fulvus managed to sneak away.

He enjoyed the feeling of the wind through his fur and how it made his feathers turn and stand almost on end. Nothing was better than flying in his natural element, except perhaps doing so with Clint.

He suddenly looked down and saw the image of Mirrow. She was walking through the grass, alone. She seemed to be enjoying it and Fulvus didn't want to interrupt her but he also wanted to thank her for what she did at the party.

He summoned the courage and landed a few paces away from her. He crept up, his talons slicing through the grass that was beginning to cool because of the temperature.

"I know you're behind me, Fulvus," barked Mirrow as her tail tip twitched.

Fulvus took a step back in embarrassment and shook his head. "I er knew I was just, um, I-" He couldn't think of anything intelligent to say and embarrassment washed over him like a dense fog.

Mirrow turned with eyes lit in amusement. "Don't be embarrassed, Fulvus. It's a beautiful day. I can't blame you from wanting some air."

Fulvus snorted at the fact that Mirrow didn't know his true intentions. "Yes, it is a beautiful day to get some sun before it's freezing." He had never really experienced winter but he had been told stories of winter by Albus.

Mirrow's eyes lit. "You can walk with me, if you want. I don't know if you have any other plans but-"

Fulvus cut her off before she could finish her thought. He would definitely want to do anything with her. "Yes, please," he nearly begged to Mirrow.

Mirrow rumbled in amusement and dipped her head. "Then come on," she rumbled as she strode forward with Fulvus at her side.

They walked in silence for a while before Fulvus turned to Mirrow with embarrassment in his eyes. "I actually wanted to thank you for helping me when I was attacked. No one else came to my aid but you did," he murmured and he actually wondered if Mirrow heard him.

Mirrow flicked her ears in surprise. "Of course! I couldn't let you just bleed like that," she pointed out as she butted her head against his shoulder playfully and it made the fur on Fulvus's haunch fur stand a bit.

Fulvus smiled. "Well, you could," he joked as he flicked his tail. "Someone would just have to pick up the body later."

"If I wouldn't have helped you then I'm sure your companion would have," she assured as she looked into Fulvus's eyes and Fulvus shivered, despite himself.

"Clint would have but he certainly wouldn't have known what to do," he told her, knowing that it was true. Clint was great but he was no medic.

Mirrow blinked his eyes. "So that's his name, Clint," she murmured with a nod of her head. "I saw my companion speaking to him but I wasn't sure of his name."

Fulvus's eyes flickered. He didn't know that Clint had been speaking to anyone beside himself, Coulson, and Fury. The fact that he was speaking with another human surprised him and shocked. He would certainly have to talk to Clint about that later.

They carried on for a while just walking, talking, and laughing occasionally. Once darkness began to set in Fulvus decided that it was best if he headed in. He wanted to speak to Clint before either of them went to sleep. He murmured farewell to Mirrow before he bounded up the stairs and over to Clint's room.

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