Chapter 4: Home (Black Widow)

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Meda gasped as the women thrust her down on something cold, like a rock. She fastened her paws down to the object with something strong like a vine. Meda tried to chew through it but it was way too strong and she ended up just hurting her teeth. She drew back and looked up at the women with round eyes.

She turned and picked up what appeared to be a sharp thorn. Liquid dripped from it and it just made Meda thrash around even more. She was beginning to lose feeling in her paws but she knew that she had to escape this room and find Natasha.

The women drew forward and stuck the thorn thing in Meda's haunch. Meda whimpered in pain as it seeped into her body. She felt liquid surge through her and her body seemed go limp on her. She was still awake but her body wasn't fighting like it should be. Every time she tried to move her body wouldn't listen and she ended up just being able to turn her head.

The women continued to shuffle around a but behind Meda and Meda struggled not to panic. She held her breath as the women rounded on her with something sharp. It wasn't exactly a needle but it looked as sharp as one and looked like one. She stuck it into Meda's shoulder. Meda yelped in pain before she felt something being pushed into her shoulder. It wasn't liquid and whatever it was was beeping.

Once the took the sharp object out the beeping continued. Meda turned her head a bit and saw a blinking red object in her shoulder. The light faded and so did the beeping. Meda desperately wanted to know what was inside of her.

The women then gasped more tools. She positioned something metal under Meda's mouth and forced it open. She had other metal tools that held her head up since she couldn't do that on her own right now. She decided not to fight, even when the women grasped something that looked like a spider. It was made out of something that wasn't flesh and bone and it made Meda shiver.

The women stuck the spider thing into Meda's mouth. Meda tried not to swallow but the woman massaged her throat until she did. She nearly choked on it but it seemed to fall down her throat and burrow itself where vibrations happened when Meda growled. She coughed a bit as it became settled but once it did Meda couldn't feel it.

By this time Meda was beginning to wake her and her body could move a bit more and she extended her claws. "Now, now, there's not need to get feisty."

Meda opened to her mouth and growled. "What did you do to me?" She knew that the human couldn't understand her but to her surprise the women nodded like she understood.

"I just did some things to make your stay here more...pleasure able," the women murmured.

Meda looked down and shook her head a bit, not believing her for a second. Before she could say anything else the women lifted her up and Meda fought the urge to claw at her. She allowed the women to carry her and it wasn't long before Meda saw the girl, Natasha, again.

"See, I told you I'd have her back right away," the women told Natasha as she smiled broadly.

Natasha just frowned and stuck out her arms. The women dropped Meda into her awaiting arms and Natasha held her tight against her chest. Once the women looked away Natasha began kissing Meda's head.

"I'm so sorry for whatever she did to you! She doesn't like animals very much. Now for what to name you," rambled Natasha before Meda squirmed a bit in her grasp.

Meda looked up a bit. "My name is Meda."

Natasha screamed and dropped Meda. Meda landed on her paws with her fur standing on edge. "What's wrong with you! Why can you talk," screeched Natasha.

Meda tilted her head. "Everyone can talk, you just have to be able to understand them," she meowed as she looked upward at Natasha.

Natasha kneeled down but still seemed a bit hesitant. "Could you speak before she took you," she inquired as she scooted a bit closer to Meda.

Meda thought for a heartbeat. She was pretty sure she couldn't so she shook her head. "No. At least not in a language that you could understand. Now you can understand me so it'll be easier for us to communicate."

Natasha smiled in agreement. "So, are you sure that she didn't hurt you. If she did I'm sure that there's something that I can do."

Meda decided not to tell her about what had happened in the red room since she wasn't exactly sure yet. "Yes, I'm fine. A little shaken up but that's alright. Do you live here?"

Natasha nodded before she scooped up Meda and stroked her affectionately. Meda purred warmly and couldn't help but lift up her tail when Natasha stroked it. "Yeah, I live here. They saved me, I suppose, and they're teaching me things."

"Do you think they'll let me stay," wondered Meda. She really didn't want to go out with Enthrear still out there and she definitely didn't want to see her mother laying dead where he had killed her.

Natasha nodded vigorously and gave her a small squeeze. "I won't let them not! You're my friend now, Meda."

Meda purred and licked Natasha's chin. "Do you think they'll train me too?"

"I hope so," answered Natasha before the sounds of children laughing made Meda's fur stand on end once more. Natasha was okay but she wasn't sure if she trusted anyone else right now.

Natasha seemed to know how Meda felt and held her closer. "I'm scared," confessed Meda as she looked up at Natasha. "Is there anyway we can get out of the hallway?"

Natasha nodded and lowered her head so that Meda could hear her but only Meda. "I share a room with another girl but she's nice. I think you'll like her but if not I can try and hide you."

Meda shook her head. "I just don't want to be out in the open." I don't know who I can trust.

Natasha nodded and dashed off with Meda clutching her small paws at her chest. Natasha ran down a hallway and escaped into a room. It wasn't that large but it was roomy enough to Meda. There were two beds on opposite sides of the room. Nothing decorated the walls and the carpet was crusty and hard under Meda's paws when Natasha set her down.

Natasha pointed to a bed by a window. "That's mine. You can lay on it if you want."

Meda bounded over and looked up. She tried to climb it but she fell backwards, landing harshly on her haunch. Natasha bit back laughter before she helped Meda onto the bed. Meda purred her thanks before she nearly sunk into the softness of the bed. She had never felt something this soft in her life.

"This is so soft," breathed Meda as she began to roll in the covers and the feelings made her paws tingle in enjoyment.

Natasha laughed as she sat on the bed next to Meda. "What did you used to sleep on. These beds are hard compared to ones that the teachers get to sleep on."

Meda sat up and shook her head to clear it. "I used to sleep in a den on the ground or rocks. Occasionally my mother would rip out her chest fur for me to sleep on but that was only if I was sick."

Natasha swung her legs a bit. "Perhaps this isn't so bad."

Meda yawned and showed her teeth. "This certainly isn't as bad as where my mother and I used to sleep. We had to sleep wherever we could. The pride couldn't find us or they will kill us."

Natasha whipped her head over. "What happened to your mother?"

Meda's face fell and she looked away from Natasha. "I don't want to talk about it," mumbled Meda into the covers as she looked out of the window. She imagined her mother laying beside her. She would have probably liked the soft and warm bed but Meda wouldn't know. She hadn't spent enough time with her.

Luckily, Natasha didn't push her. She just allowed Meda to drift off and Meda was immensely grateful to her new friend.

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