Chapter 1: The Griffin (Hawkeye)

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"We've done it," announced a deep male's voice as he stood up in his chair and threw his arms up. "We've done it, everyone!"

Another man, smaller and thinner, stood up and waved his arms. "Then bring it in. Science is going to go crazy with this. No one has done something this extraordinary since the splitting of the atom."

The larger man nodded and motioned to two guards at the door. "Bring it in. I want to show it to our sponsors. They will definitely want to see this."

They nodded and strode into a room. They were not prepared for what they saw.


Light shinned into a cage at the edge of a room that look like a prison cell. Inside the cage was a creature from myth. It was a small lion cub, or at least half of him was. His back half had the hindquarters and tail of a lion but the front half of him was an eagle. He had talons on his front paws and feathers sprouted from his chest. His face had a long and curled beak with small yet intelligent yellow eyes. Wings were plastered against his side, covered in dark brown and white feathers. It was none other than a griffin.

The griffin had no idea how he got there or what he was supposed to do. He only knew that people kept coming and going. He didn't know what they wanted but he knew that it couldn't be good. H didn't think that he was supposed to live his life in a cage but for right now that was all that he'd ever known.

The two guards approached and the griffin lifted his head. When one of the guards opened his cage door the other one pushed forward. The griffin drew backwards and shook his head, willing him not to be forced forward. They didn't listen.

The one surged forward and grasped the griffin by the neck. The griffin let out a screech, his beak opening as he snapped at the guard's hards. The guard back handed the griffin before he wrapped a rope around the griffin's beak. The griffin tried to fight back but the other man just picked him up and carried him toward the lab.

They pushed their way through with the griffin struggling to break free. They set him in a glass box and took off the rope. The griffin opened it's beak and let out a sound between a growl and a screech. His hackles rose while he spread his wings and worked his talons against the ground.

"Impressive, isn't he," murmured the bigger scientist as he drew close to the glass.

The griffin charged but his beak snapped against the glass and he fell backwards, shaking his head madly. He growled a warning for the man to go away but the man didn't get the hint.

"Very, Dr. Blanchard," murmured the smaller scientist as he crossed his arms against his chest. "You have actually made a creature that we tell our children stories about. What are you going to do with it now?"

Dr. Blanchard turned and beamed. "Testing, Dr. Wood. I want to make more, create another species and preserve it. If we can combine two species of dog with their DNA, why not two different kinds of animals?" He stuck his hand into his pocket and took out a small test tube before he tossed it to Dr. Wood.

Dr. Wood caught it and turned it in his fingers. "Director Fury will want to see this," he reminded Dr. Blanchard with a nod of his head. "Would you like me to retrieve him?"

Dr. Blanchard thought for a second before nodding. "Sure, why not? Perhaps he'll want these apart of his Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement Logistics Division."

"They really need to shorten that name," grumbled Dr. Wood before he exited the lab and left Dr. Blanchard alone with the griffin.

He ventured forward and pressed his fingers against the glass. "You are a very special creature, aren't you?"

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