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We were infront of door to Rui's house. I'm shaking really hard.
"Hello, who are you?" Said tall lady, probally his mom. "Umm hello...we'r Rui's friends." Nene said that really quite, she isn't good with speaking to strangers. "Oh I didin't know Rui had any friends... please come in." We walked in that house. Nothing special normal house, it was pretty small.

"Rui!!! Rui wake up!!! Your friends are here" His mom wanted to wake him up, but that didin't really worked.
"Oh I'm sorry he is still sleeping, what was your name again"  she pointed at me. "Umm TSUKASA TENMA!" yeah that was really loud.

"...oh, you got a spirit i see haha. Could you go to his room and please wake him up??" Oh. Oh no. NO NO NO. WHY ME. I DON'T WANT TO FACE HIM, AND I REALLY DON'T WANT TO GO TO HIS ROOM. How does his room look? Does it smell like him? Oh shit no no please no. Will I see sleeping Rui. AHHH I DON'T WANT TO GO THERE.

"Sure" How could I say no? She was so nice shit.  I walked up the stairs while girls where talking. And I stood there. Right in front of his door. Rui's door. My hand was shaking. Come on it can't be that bad ,right? I tooked a deep breath and stepped in.

Rui was sleeping on his desk. Why the hell was he sleeping on his desk?! Bet he was doing robots all night. Second thing I noticed was smell. It smelled with Rui. That made me blush. He smelled so good. Fuck. I could feel his smell going threw my body. It felt good. WAIT TSUKASA YOU CAN'T THINK LIKE THAT, YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO GET RID OF THIS FEELING. It will only hurt me. Love will hurt me. OKAY WE NEED TO WAKE UO THAT WEIRDO.

I looked at his face. He was sleeping so peacfully. That was so freaking cute. It made my stomach do flips. I can't wake him up he's to beautifull. I looked at the desk he was sleeping on. All with projects of robots, scripts, and plans on perfomances. He was really working much on it.

One of a plans was with robot. Robot that looked just like me. WHATTT. WHY THE HELL HE HAD ROBOT THAT LOOKED JUST LIKE ME. I looked at corner of his room and I saw robot of me. Well it was a snowman with my hair and smile. Did he thought that I look like snowman?! This guy is getting on my nerves.

"Tsukasa-kun?" He opened his eyes. SHITT HE SAW ME. "What are you doing here?" His voice was so tired and his hair was messy THAT WAS SO CUTE. "Hahaah your mum let me in and she asked me to wake you up, emu and nene are here to" i said really fast because I was nervous for some reason. "All right, I will get ready and come to you guys."
"Okay" i couldn't move I just looked at him. "Tsukasa will you please leave I want to dress up" My face was red. I saw picture of Rui dressing up in my mind. FUCKING GOD TSUKASA DON'T BE PERV. "YEAHHH I WILL GET GOING HAHA" I ran out of his room. And went downstairs.

Few minutes later Rui came down. "Goodmorning mum, goodmornig emu,nene" 
"Goodmorning" They all answered.
"Oh sweete I was just talking too Nene she is so nice." His mother said. Why did she say that anyway?
"She is nice, and?"Rui answered also confused.
"She is just such a wonderfull girlfriend honey." Oh no.

Why did she say that. Everything but that. Shit shit shit. My heart stopped. I coudn't hear anything or feel  anymore. It hurt. This words hurt so much. So fucking much. I was about too cry. Shit shit shit why. I felt tears in my eyes. I couldn't stand on my legs. It was too hard. It was too hard too breath. It was too hard to do anything. I took deep breath but it wasn't helping. I needed air but no matter how fast I was breathing I felt like I need more. When did breathing start being so hard? My hands were shaking so hard shit. I wanted to say something, move but I couldn't.

Nene was saying something but I couldn't hear that. Finally I started hear again. "Miss we aren't dating" Nene said.
"Don't need to hide it you'r such a nice couple." Oh they were. I wanted to cry so badly. You could see Nene being really uncomfortable. Emu was really sad  she was probally thinking some shit like: why is nobody smiling:(.
Rui's mom wast still saying how beautifull couple they are.
"Mum cut it off, we aren't dating." Rui said pissed off. You could see on his face that he is mad, really mad.
"Oh Rui honey-" "Stop it, I don't like her" Ahh I couldn't stand it anymore. I think I was already crying but nobody noticed.

"P-pardon me I need to go to toilet" Why was that sentence so hard to say? Everyone looked at me. I just walked to toilet locked the door and sat on floor. I started crying. I hate this shit. Where they hiding they relationship? Or weren't they dating. That didin't matter. I still was sad. Terribly sad.

"Tsukasa-kun?" Said voice. Shit. That was Emu. What was she doing here.
"Why are you crying?? You should smile Tsukasa" I wish I could. It was hard. I couldn't smile not right now.
"I'm okay" I tried not to cry while saying this. "I'm not crying...What are you doing here ?" Somehow my voice didin't crack. "I was worried about you, you looked really sad" I guess she can be nice sometimes. "I'm okay" Anddd fuck. My voice cracked. "You'r not, you can't hide it!! Remember when I was sad?? I was smiling but that wasn't real smile. It makes big diffrence. You don't have real smile too now."
I remember that day when she was crying. She kept saying she's okay but that wasn't truth. Was I doing the same thing?? "A-and you guys said that I need to say what's wrong and it really helped. You guys caring about me... it helped.You need to say what's wrong too!!."

I couldn't do that. It was too hard. Would she accept me, or will she never talk to me again? I don't know if she would support, and I didin't want too loose her. She was my friend. She sat on the other side of the door. "Please Tsukasa you can tell me"
"Are you sure??" I asked while sobbing. "Yeah, why??"
"You promise you will not be disguisted??"
"Why would I be disguisted??"
"JUST PROMISE!!" i need to be sure
"I promise!!"  Was that real promise, or was it lie??

It was so hard to say these words.
"I'I..." "I like..." My heart started to pound really fast. I was nervouse so nervouse. "I like Rui"

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