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   I waited for Emu. I texted her earlier to meet me. Well she still dosn't know I'm mad at her and it won't be friendly hang out, but  the opposite. I don't want to ruin my friendship with Emu, she is one of most importand people to me, but I can't. I can't act like nothing happend. I can act like she did nothing. I want to hug her but at the same tine I want scream right into her face and tell her how she hurt me.
I'm scared.

*  *  *

"Hello Tsukasa!!!" Emu ran to me. "Are you okay Tsukasa, you look sad" her expression, she seemed worried. Worried? She is worried after what she did? That's actual the funniest thing I saw today.
"Don't act so innocent Emu" I answered angrily.
"What do you mean Tsukasa?"
"What do I mean?! You exactly know what I mean!" She is shocked. I can see it from her face. She is also scared... I think.
"Tsukasa I don't get it...what happend, did somebody hurt you? If yes we can solve it! Emu will kick their asses!" She said that as a joke but I didin't laught.
"Did somebody hurt me? What are you talking about Emu? Now you'r acting like nothing happend, like you'r still my fucking friend." Fuck I'm almost crying. The words I said didm't only hurt Emu, they hurt me to. I don't want to cry, not right now.
"But I'm your friend! We'r friends Tsukasa!!"
"Stop lying, I'm sick of it. I'm sick of you Emu." I'm not. I'm not sick of her. Shit

I looked at Emu. She looks like she is about to cry.
"Tsukasa... what did I do" She startes crying. It hurts. It hurts to see her cry. I want to hug her and comfort her. But I can't. "Please Tsukasa don't stop being ny friend, I will fix it...please" Her voice cracked, her noice is red from crying and she is  filled in tears.

"What did you do?! You fucking told everyone about me! You told my secret, about how pathetic I am! How disguisting queer I'm! Everybody knows, Rui, Nene. They all know they all hate me. Now they are talking behind my backs. They will bully me for the end of a fucking highschool!" Her eyes  widened. She looked at me with a shocked face.
"You did it, right Emu?" I just hoped she said it is misunderstanding. Please Emu, it can't be you.
"I... I'm sorry Tsukasa" She started crying like a baby. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!! I didin't want to say it, it was an accident. I didin't mean it Tsukasa!"

"So you actually did this..." Fuck. Why did she do that. I have never trusted anyone like her before, but I guess I was wrong. Haha fucking idiot- Tsukasa.
"Let me explain! It was my fault, but-" I didn't let her finish. I don't want to hear it anymore.

"Why would you do that Emu? I actually trusted you." I said with a painful smile with tears coming out of my eyes. "I believed we were friends. I really thought we were. You were always by ny side Emu, you were my everything." With every word it was harder to talk. "All stuipid things we did made me happy. All this silly words, all this stuipid wonderhoys. You always comforted me, but it was all fake. What did I thought? That we were freinds. That you will accept me for being gay? You thought i was disguisting from beginning, you have planned this. Emu-" I tryied to say something more but I couldn't. It feels like I can't breath anymore.

"Tsukasa I don't think-"
"Shut up Emu" I barely said. "Don't talk to me anymore" I said almost chocking.

I walked away and left her. Alone. It seems like I wasn't worth being friends with her from beginning.

*  *  *

I came to my house. I quickly eent to my room so my sister and mum wouldn't see me cry. I layed on bed and started crying again. I miss her already. Syuipid feeling, stuipid trust. Stuipid Tsukasa.

I opened my chat with Emu. She texted me something earlier I didn't notice. 


01:36 p.m







Help me Tsukasa :((


Looking at texts from her made me tear up. She was really exited for a hang out ,wasn't she? Maybe it's another of her lies.

Maybe it would be better if I just acted like nothing happend. If I just didin't say anything about the whole drama to Emu. If I jsut forgot about it . Maybe we would play video games, play hide and seek, or do anything. I wonder what did she want to tell me.

I fell asleep crying.

Yay angst!! Sometimes I forgot that is Ruikasa fanfic and not Platonic Emukasa tbh. Anyways I had not motivation at all to write this so it can kinda suck.

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