Part 2: Chapter 1

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Almost on command Noah stopped eating and looked up at me. His body was frozen, his eyes wide, I heard the clatter of the silverware he had in his hands that snapped him out of his trance.
"Your still here, it wasn't a dream, I'm in for it now' I heard him mutter under his breath.

Isadora's pov.

What does he mean? Why does this keep happening?

I look my brother in the eye and he starts to shake, at first it was just his legs but within seconds his whole body was shaking and he fell off his chair without a sound. He was still shaking and looked like he was having a panic attack. I rushed over to him and tried to steady him but he didn't stop, his breathing was fast and in short gasps of air. He turned pale and I looked to see if there was anyone to help but it was just me.

Noah started to stop shaking and his breathing slowed down to a normal rate and I helped him sit up. His eyes looked like glass but other than that he looked to be ok, then without warning he stilled and his breathing was slowly decreasing. He looked like he seen a ghost, his skin so pale he could be a ghost. His body was frozen and all I could think was...

...please don't die

I set him in my lap and rock him back and forth watching as sleep claims him. Now that he is asleep I stand up with him carried him in my arms to his chambers. I cover him in blankets and get his temperature back to normal and after several hours my efforts show and he starts to stir.

Noah's pov.

I disrespected her. She's going to have my head, not even a day and I have already made so many horrible errors! Maybe I can try to plead my case, I so wish to she her crowned. My little sister, not that I can call her that. That would be improper and disrespectful I think as my mind drifts off.

I wake up in the hospital room of the castle. Why am I... oh now I remember. The princess!!! I need to see her beg for forgiveness! I attempt to get up bed and with much effort I manage to stand up. I hurriedly change into my clothes that were in the bathroom at the side of the room. As I look for my rank pins I hear a small delicate chuckle. I twist around and I see her, the princess standing in the opposite corner of the room. Shes wearing an old looking dress that is pale pink. It is sleeveless and drops to mid calf. I hurriedly bow and scramble to my knees with my head bowed.

-'your majesty'

"Hello, how are you doing today, and what are you in such a hurry for?"

-' I am doing well, thank you. I'm sorry your highness I was just going go look for you so I can try to explain how sorry I am for my incompetence.'

" I see, anyhow it's quite alright, it has been a while since I have been here and I'm not looking for perfection, though in the future a bit of respect may not go amiss"

I blush, 'oh course your majesty, please forgive me'

"No matter, what's done is done. How are you feeling today?" She asks me with a concerned look. " You were out for almost 16 hours.

That long! It felt as though I just took a nap.
My surprise must have shown on my face as she lightly chuckles.

Yes, you gave everyone quite the scare. You look much better now. Oh and do get up and sit on the bed, you are still barely in condition to do such a thing, besides your a prince, not a commoner. You should not be kneeling and your my brother. Most families have exceptions to flaunting of status, do they not?

'Yes,yes your majesty they do, I'm sorry I assumed that would not be the same as you are still my better. The only blood we share is through queen, rest her soul, and that on my part in still stolen. You have very little reason to except me, give me a rank or even let me stay alive! Your majesty it would be unwise of me to treat you with any less respect than you deserve, it would be treason! Once the press gets ahold of the news of my bloodline they will attack like vultures, I trail off as I get lost in my thoughts...'
Oh, how it would be nice to keep status of a lord, she owes me nothing and I should wish for nothing from her, I do not deserve. She's the real royal, no dirty blood, the power she has is remarkable. I know my place, I will not try to rise from it. Not try to gain her favor. Though it will be hard to get used to everything, living as royalty has made me loose my training. I now have an ego, and a taste of power, it must be reigned in. I've already broke conduct for someone of my status many times to many to hope for leniency and directly to the queen no less!

"Hmm", I am broken out of my thoughts by the princess clearing her throat. "Yes, the press will be dealed with soon, are you hungry? After so long in bed you must be famished! Follow me", she beckons me to get up and follow and I do. We walk out the door and into the halls.
She stops, "I have been eating in the kitchen as of late, if that is unexceptable for lunch?" She pauses and looks at me expectantly.

I clear my throat and blush, 'no of course not, your majesty, wherever you wish.' Inwardly shuddering at my stupidity, I got so caught up in the riches of acting a royal I forgotten the other people in the castle.

Authors note:
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