Part 2: Chapter 9

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Isadora's pov.

I look at a nearby clock, it's only 7am I sit at the table and wait, and wait and wait until finally I decide to go explore the castle.  I walk through the main hallway and a drawing room, from there I go into the side gardens near the courtyard. As I look around I see a rosebush full of the most beautiful deep red flowers I have seen. I cut a few of the flowers with some nearby tool and a conjure a vase to put them in.

I go back into the castle the decide to explore some more

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I go back into the castle the decide to explore some more. Mostly I've been in the restricted sections of the castle, I should go into what everyone else can enter right? I'll look like a fool if Noah introduces me to people and I don't even know where public rooms are. Eventually I find a room that full of portraits, looking at the plaques I notice it's my family. I see pictures of my great grandfather and his wife, paintings of great great great grandparents and even of my parents. The king and queen are in a huge tapestry near the corner of the room, I put the vase on a nearby desk, my grandfather's if the sign is correct, only after insuring no water rings will ruin the desk, and I reach up and stroke the tapestry. I can feel the diffrent strands of leather used to weave it together, if only they were here, I could stroke mothers rosy cheeks, hold fathers rough hands, look into there brown eyes, so full of emotion.

But I can't, I look into the emotionless eyes of the tapestry, the colors faded and worn. -They are dead, they can't come back- I repeat to myself using all my willpower to try not to let the tears fall down my face. Backing away, I grab the vase from the desk and continue looking at my father's family, my family. As I'm looking at a crown my mother wore, a boy with brown hair, a little older than me walks in, he doesn't notice me so I ignore him. He starts to look around at the paintings so I go back to looking at the crown. I take a step forward,-crash- I slip on the waxed floor, the vase breaks and there's glass all around me. Flower petals fly everywhere landing on the crown and furniture, they look like blood splattered and torn up. I cry out in pain as I move the arm I landed on, I clutch it close to my chest as if that will stop the pain. I attempt to clean the glass around me, and the blood that's now driping off my arm onto the floor. The boy comes over to me at first he looks like he is going to help me but then he starts to yell...

"who are you to ruin such a priceless artifact with your blood!"

I didn't answer or look up at him. He continued to shout...

"Worthless freak! You will be ruined for this, to get your blood on the late queens jewelry!"

Stupid boy, if only you knew who you were yelling at, I focus my magic on healing my arm, and ignore his shouting. I don't know who he is, no need to snap at him , or severely hurt him, yet at least. He grabs my arm and I let it a small squeak of pain, which he ignored. He dragged me to the main hallway, I tried to pull away but I knew it would do no good. He's furious and unless I use my magic I can't get his arm off mine. He told a maid to clean up the blood, the only blood was on the ground near the glass. He said there was blood on the ground? The rose petals, that must be what he's talking about, if they were on the the crown, it would look like blood unless you're looking closely.

There was a guard at the end of the hall, the boy dragged us over and told the guard that I destroyed the crown and needed to be punished. He guard seemed to know the boy, he told him he would take care if the 'problem' personally. The way he looked at me makes me uneasy, like I'm a bug he's just can't wait to squash. The guard grabbed my arm, somewhat gentler than the boy had. The boy he walked away muttering about stupid maids. The guard he let go of my arm when he was out of sight. I maid came up to the guard and whispered to him something that I couldn't hear. The guard looked momentarily shocked but schooled his face quickly. She walks away and he turns back to me.

"Are you ok miss?" He asks with a much softer face than he had previously.
'Yeah, I'm ok' I tell him. Why does he care? Seconds ago he looked mad now he's concerned? What did she say to him? He gently leads me to a storage closet where he gets a first aid kit and cleans my arm. He tells me to be more careful next time, and stay out of the kids way. Apparently the kids dad is high up in the guard, or so the guard indicated. He let's me go, and I go back to the kitchen.

The cooks give me some fruit and yogurt, I look at the clock and sigh, it's 3pm. I quickly eat my food and go to Noah's office, the guard is the same from before and let's me in without a problem. Noah's sitting at his desk, the guard announces my arrival and shuts the door behind me.

Noah stands up and bows deeply, ''your highness, how may I help you?''.

'I want to talk about tomorrow's meeting, who all is going to be there?'

"All of the guard have been notified of the meeting, both senior and junior agents, I also informed the captains son, who I has an intent to follow in his father's footsteps. He would be a good person to have on your personal guard, so I invited him as well."

'Ok, that sound good. Just how many are on a personal guard exactly?'

"Normally it's between 10 and 30, your highness."

'I see, could you have those who would be a good fit be invited to a training session after the meeting, so I can get an idea of whom there is to choose from?'

"Yes, of course I will inform them at once"

'Thank you'

With that I stepped back out of the office and went to my room. I looked through my closet and found the perfect dress for tomorrow's meeting. A deep purple dress with lace patterns, it's elegant enough I won't be considered a maid but I would nor be mistaken for nobility either.

After a while I find a nice pair of heels to go with the dress and I go to dinner

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After a while I find a nice pair of heels to go with the dress and I go to dinner. Noah and I talk about his duties and ate a wonderful soup made with potatoes, bacon, kale and chili flavors. I found a library and read for a few hours prior to going back to my room and going to bed, exhausted from the days events.

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