Part 2: Chapter 8

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Recap: Isadora's pov

I grabbed the bag and went to where Alex was being questioned by multiple higher class students. He seemed to be annoyed at the questioning but as soon as he saw me again, he was at my side. We left the school right after. We got another carriage and went to the castle, once we were inside I gave him the option to go eat and rest, he gratefully took it. I went and made a small dinner, ate and went to bed. I am exhausted, the day seems to drag on and on. The trip took much longer than I had planned, a few setback at the school, and now it is a reasonable time for bed. I fall asleep dreaming of what is yet to come. I imagine what I am to say to Noah, and in the meeting with the guards.

I wake up to the sound of birds chirping and sunlight peaking out through the window. It's Thursday, one more day before the meeting with the guards. I get dressed in a pale pink dress and black flats, I walk out of my room and there is a new guard standing there. He looks at me briefly but just as quickly he looks away, staring at the empty hallway. I walk past him and into a dinning hall, ok so maybe I didn't walk... I used my magic and hovered there. I need to do magic ever so often to keep my strength up. Nothing big, just turning on a light or making a pen float would work, but more complex magic helps give me more control over my powers. I look at a nearby clock, it's only 7am I sit at the table and wait, and wait and wait until finally I decide to go explore the castle. 

Hugo's pov.

When I woke up, dad was awake and in the house. We talked about school, and how his job was going. He's stressed out about this meeting, hopefully the prince is not mad, I don't think dad can handle that pressure. Last time the prince got mad, the captain of the guard got fired, and many of his guards were found committing treason and sentenced to death. Now that dad is captain, it's in his job to make sure the prince is protected, if those under his command commit treason, he will be held accountable. Since the prince summoned me to this meeting, I hope its good news. I haven't done anything to anger the prince, at least not to my knowledge. I wonder who the guest father spoke of is, I asked him but he said he was not made aware by the prince, nor was he going to ask for the information, as it's not his place. I still wonder, maybe it's his majesty's intended. But why do I need to be at this meeting? I guess I'll find out, but it doesn't stop me from wondering.

I make breakfast in the room and eat with my father before he goes to attend his daily duties. He gives me a note that gives me permission to be in the castle, so no staff try to remove me. He tells me to look around a bit. I've been in the castle before, and since dad's been head guard I have been able to walk around some of the general areas of the castle during breaks, when I go home from school. Since my mother died, father stays in the guards quarters year-round rather than be assaulted by memories of her in our house. I walk out of his rooms and across some gardens to an entrance to the castle, it one I always use, the servants entrance. I don't know why, but ever since I was small I felt like using that entrance humbled me, made me remember that in the castle I'm not the most important person there. I get favored alot as dad's always held a rather high position in the guard, just as his father, and my great grandfather. Here in the castle, my betters reside, and willingly using the servants entrance helps me solidify my place.

I walk through the kitchen, getting a few glances here and there but for the most part I'm not bothered. I get to the main hallway and walk down it, careful not to disturb any meeting that might be taking place in any adjoined rooms. At the end of the hallway is my favorite room that I've found, the tapestry room. Well, honestly it's more the size of a small hall than a room but it has portraits, paintings and tapestries of many important lords, ladies and events that happened throughout the history of Neverlasting. Oh and of course there are paintings of the royal family, both those of hundreds of years ago al the way to one of the late king and queen, with the princess on her birthday, right before they passed away. There's some displays around the room too, a desk where the treaty between the two kingdoms was signed, thrones, swords of knights, crowns and more.

I'm walking around the room, reading the plaques outlining the basic  as I do when I hear a crash on the other side of the room. A girl, that looks not much younger than me is on the ground, surrounded by broken glass and flowers. She's clutching her arm and hunched over the ground, so I don't see her face. She has brown hair and lightly tamed skin, she is dressed in a plain dress, I assume she a servant of some sort. I walk up to her, she is trying to clean up the broken glass. That's when I saw the blood, on the ground, the glass and more importantly on the crown. I don't know what happened, I just snapped. I yelled, "who are you to ruin such a priceless artifact with your blood!" I didn't let her answer, she didn't look up. I continued to yell at her, telling her she was worthless and she would be ruined for such a careless mistake in the castle.

I grabbed her by the arm, ignoring her cry of pain and pulled her to the main hallway, where I told a nearby maid to clean the remainder of the glass up. I found a guard stationed at near the main hall and explained the situation. She still hasn't said a word, or looked up at me or anything really. The guard had said he would deal with her, he didn't say how but I should of noticed the way he looked at her, like she the reason for all his problems in the world. I was so mad I didn't notice as they walked away nor did I see the pitting look a nearby maid gave the girl.  I decided my mood was ruined for the day and heading back to father's rooms where I spent the rest of the day.

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