Part 2: Chapter 4

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Noah's pov.

'You see I-I wasn't... the most liked in school. I had a scholarship to the school for young nobility but I was the youngest in the class, they bullied me for that. It didn't help that I was a commoner, a nobody intruding on there status.'

"They what!" I exclaimed, furious at what my sister had been put through. She should of been cherished, never wanting for anything. She should never have been bullied and she wants to go back to the school! I get up and start to pace the length of the table- so caught up in my thoughts I didn't notice the frown on Isadora's face as she watched me pace.

I want the names of the people who bullied her, I want them punished for what they did! But they are kids, they probably didn't understand what they did, my subconscious  rationalized. But they hurt the princess- she was bullied! Besides they were all in a school for lords and heirs, if they can understand that they can understand not to bully someone. She should go, with guards of course- she could tell them she's the rightfully the queen- make them pay for for their actions.

Maybe I should involve parents, if heirs are acting this way than there's a problem- with the school or the subjects, I do not know- if she was the youngest in the class they are all older and should know better to be acting up. They very well could be adults or months away from it, if she were to press charges they would be tried as adults. Hopefully the children of the staff are more behaved I don't want her to be without anyone her age- if she is going to be queen she needs friends.

Faintly I hear a sigh and a voice, 'Have a nice evening, I'm going to bed- maybe we can talk tomorrow.' Then I hear what vaguely sound like footsteps. I quickly dismiss the sound as my mind playing tricks on me and fall back into my racing thoughts.

What seems like minutes later I snap back to reality and realize my feet are sore. I look around and quickly register that I had still been pacing, while I had been caught in my thoughts. I hear no sound and as I turn toward the head of the table I see- or rather I don't see Isadora- she is not at the table I must be later than I thought. I look at the wristwatch I only recently started to wear and not with concern it's been 4 hours since dinner started, probably 45 minutes after dinner had started conversation was made. This is not good I have been pacing for 3 hours.

I quickly walk to Isadora's room- ignoring my uneaten dinner- nodding my head in greeting to the guard stationed at the door. I contemplate opening the door trying to explain my unexceptable behavior but ultimately decided against it, it's late she may be asleep already.

I turn back to the guard and ask, ''she is in here right? What time did she make it back?''

The guard looked confused for a couple seconds, eyebrows scrunched together in concentration then he answered, 'your majesty, she did make it back into the rooms, she seemed fine mabe a bit agitated though. She came in about 2 hours ago.'

Well that's good she made it back to her room, I nod in thanks to the guard. If it has been 2 hours she probably did fall asleep or just doesn't want to be disturbed, I walk to my bedroom and sit at my desk, thinking. I decide to write her a letter explaining how sorry I was. I wrote an apology and then realized I never answered her question about going into the village, I wrote that she can go into the village as she wished but she needs to have a guard go with and to inform me as a safety precaution- at least until she us queen.

I include a separate letter to give to the guard outside her door to explain the situation to him and that she is to be protected fiercely. I wrote some of my thoughts regarding the punishment of her bulliers and the involvement of their parents. In the letter I included a draft of the invitation to the ball and informed of some of the key points and dates discussed. After I finished writing the letters I put them in an envelope and sealed it with my official wax seal.

I addressed the letter to Issadora then I gave it to a maid. I instructed her make sure the letter got to Issadora when she woke up, though I didn't actually tell her who Isadora was just what room she is staying in. She told me she will get I arranged at once. I really hope she forgives me. I was so utterly stupid and I should not have ever disrespected the princess like that! It was then I realized that the voice I heard on my head was hers- that she stayed so long after I blocked her and everything else off, trapped in my thoughts.

I get up from my desk suddenly exhausted, I change into my nightclothes and sit on my bed. I feel a single tear run down my cheek I reach my hand up to my face with the intent of wiping it off when I feel another and another, within seconds I was full on crying. All the pent up emotion and the stress of life seemed to be dumped on me at once, it was then when I understood how I had all this pent up emotion, I haven't cried since the king and queen were killed and Issadora was lost to the world. Now the idea of the princess not forgiving me for my stupidity is the last straw to my composure. I cry till my eyes are red and feel like sandpaper. I lay in for hours after just trying to find sleep, it's only when the sky starts to be lit up by morning light does sleep finally claim me.

Hugo's pov.

I got a letter from father today only a few hours ago, it said that I am to attend a meeting with his majesty the prince and the guard. That will be interesting, father said not to be a disappointment, to be a gentleman and treat the Prince's guest with respect. I wonder why the prince wants ME of all people at this meeting? But I will not question it if that is his wish I shall be there. I start to pack a bag to bring with me on the trip to the castle. I will be staying in father's rooms according to the letter, he's lived alone since mother died 5 years ago, but that means I can stay in his extra room fo rthe time being. With him being head guard I don't get to see him much, it was hard when I was younger but now I go to boarding school, so I can only see him on holiday's.

My name is Hugo Avery. I'm 16 years old and have brown hair and bright blue eyes. My father is Head Guard Richard Avery he works for the royal guard at the castle. I do not work, I go to a school for young lords and heirs. The Avery's have a minor lordship so father sent me to this school to help me when I take the lordship up later in life. I want to be part of the royal guard, like father he is my role model and I really want to make him proud, the Avery's have been guards for generations and I want to continue the tradition.

That is why getting the ability to go to this meeting is a dream, if I am able to impress the prince I have a better chance of him wanting me to take it to guard level in my training. I started training with father, he shows me how to fight and how we share ourselves and our bloodline to the royal family. The Prince according to father are somewhat friends so that may be why I am getting to go to it. I have to remember the rule of being seen not heard, I like to talk but everyone in the room be higher station than me it's better if I just don't cause easy trouble. I finished packing my suitcase for a week long trip, the letter said another letter was sent to the headmaster so he knows that I am not at sctime.

I decided to start the journey to the castle tonight even though nightfall was mere hours away, I took what I needed and got in a carriage going to the castle. I paid the driver several gold coins due to the distance and urgency , but after a few hours of sitting in the carriage I start to fall asleep. The driver let me sleep knowing the castle was hours away and I likely couldn't stay awake the whole time. I fall asleep to the rocking of the carriage over a bumps in the road.

Hours later the carriage stopped at the castle entrance and the coachman woke me up. It honestly wasn't that hard, I'm a light sleeper so all he had to do was touch me shoulder. I got my bag and got out of the carriage, I gave the driver a handful of silver coins and walked toward the gate. It was nearing sunrise and the guards were on full alert. As soon as I got near the castle gates, lights were turned on and guns were on me. I waited till a guard approached and then I told him my name and handed him the letter I received from father. He looked the letter over and allowed my inside the gates. He called for another guard who escorted me to my father's rooms, I opened the door as I already have a copy of the key. I wrote a quick note to father and left it on the table, I quickly took my belongings to the unused room and then promptly fell asleep on the bed.

Authors note:
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