Part 2: Chapter 7

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Isadora's pov.

"Only the school", I reply. He nods and after a few more minutes we each stand and walk out the door. "Is there anywhere you would like to go?" He shakes his head and we walk a couple roads down from the bakery to the preparatory school. When we reach the front of the school I head to the main doors when I hear my name bring called- 'Issabella is that you?'- by someone who was most definitely not Alex.

I turn around and look at the owner of the voice- a blond hair, blue eyed girl. The girl was dressed in what seems to be the a fine silk dress. The girl had large eyes that portrays innocence but in really ahe is a cruel girl just as her father. Her father is a nobel who claims to want to help but all he does is make it impossible for those of a lower class to live. Victoria takes after her father and thinks that everyone who is lower class should be servants or slaves. She made my life and the lives of others that were here on a scholarship horrible. Her and her group would shove and trip- discreetly of course- us during etiquette classes encouraging the other kids to believe that just because we didn't come from old money, we were holding everyone else back. The words part is they believed her because everyone things she will be the next queen, my brothers husband.

"Victoria hi, yes I'm Issabella, why?" I reply, I hope she doesn't try to start anything with Alex here, behind me.

'I was just checking, we all thought you finally left us for good. You don't belong here.' She must have noticed Alex now, as he was stepping toward me presumably as he saw her true intentions. 'Ohh, I get it! You are only here to get your stuff, you finally decided you were better as a servant. Or maybe your poor mother needed the money and you sold yourself to the man behind you, is he your master now? Well you might as well hurry, it's lunch and students are everywhere, might as well show everyone what they already knew. You were just a waste of space in a prestigious school such as this.' She stepped closer to Alex and said, 'I'm Victoria, daughter of Lord Allen, nice to meet you Mr...?'

"Unfortunately for you, you are wrong . I'm just visiting the school, I won't be attending anymore. But I did not sell myself nor am I a servent. Though this may surprise you, I am not 'worthless' and my job in society is more important than yours will ever be." I snap quickly at Victoria, before Alex can respond to her.

I turn and look at Alex, behind his mask he looks confused. Staring at me and then Victoria, back and forth as if we were both conplete strangers with each other. Though I suppose it's true, we are completely unaquainted with each other.

He seems taken back by my words. Though I suppose he thinks of me as... well I honestly don't know what he thinks of me. Nonetheless he takes a step forward and states his name, and apparently he is a corpral. That's good to know, it may be helpful in the future. Victoria on the other hand is taken aback and quickly apologizes for assumptions and goes back around to the courtyards. I open the door to the school and both of us head into the building. We pass the secretary easily as she recognized me and Alex has his rank badge easily visible.

I lead us both to the cafeteria and stop near one of the empty tables. It seems like it's the same today as when I last attempted. The 'lower ranked' kids are sitting on the floor on pillows, the children of lords and ladies are in nice thrown like chairs, the design varying by rank. There are a handful of kids who are head of their family, mostly older kids, they have a handful a choices in seating depending on how powerful the family is. I see a slave maybe two, that are attending to their young master's needs, they don't get any special treatment and must sit on the floor. It's uncommon but sometimes if a family is in deep debt or on the verge of ruin, the family head will sell a member or the whole family binding them to a second wealthy/powerful family. In return the family head is compensated and can pay off the debt. The time of service depends on the contract, there a couple that can be made- ranging from 3 years to 3 generations of a members decendents.

Only a cluster of kids are on pillows, huddled together in a corner eating lunch. They were chatting quietly, wearing worn faded uniforms, I was part of that group. They had it out for me though, the high ranks, they said that I was to pretty for such a low class and repeatedly tried to ruin my face. I think the fact that I have magic is the only reason it didn't work.

We just stood there next to the table, observing all that's going on. Not many have noticed us yet but I knew it was inevitable especially since we were supposed to be alert at all times, the lower rank you are the more alert you must be. This 'helps' you to serve to your best potential. Almost all of the slaves have glanced our way- sneakily of course- to be caught staring would be a harsh offense and not many could afford to go through the pain. The lower class of both nobels and non nobility have started to pick up on our presence. I hear the whispers- why is she back? Who is he? What happened?- it picks up and now everyone is taking about it, staring at us like we're a science experiment. I turn and whisper to Alex, if you prefer you can stay here. I'm going to go and take a few things of mine from my old room. I don't give him much time to respond before I'm heading quickly past the people to to the dorm rooms. It doesn't seem like he's following, I slow down and open the door. My bag was already packed as I didn't live on site. I could but I preferred to go home as much as possible and see mother.

I grabbed the bag and went to where Alex was being questioned by multiple higher class students. He seemed to be annoyed at the questioning but as soon as he saw me again, he was at my side. We left the school right after. We got another carriage and went to the castle, once we were inside I gave him the option to go eat and rest, he gratefully took it. I went and made a small dinner, ate and went to bed. I am exhausted, the day seems to drag on and on. The trip took much longer than I had planned, a few setback at the school, and now it is a reasonable time for bed. I fall asleep dreaming of what is yet to come. I imagine what I am going to say to Noah, and in the meeting with the guards.

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